Sexual Health

Why DHEA Is Optimal For Vaginal Dryness, Pain A...
Too many women suffer from vaginal dryness, pain and pelvic health issues, as their hormones naturally decline with aging. See a comparison of current treatment options available.

Sexual Health Isn’t Just About Having a Sex Life
When was the last time you had a conversation with someone, not just about sex, but about your sexual health? Maybe you find it’s easy to talk about it, but in...

Your Quick Guide To Vaginal Lubricants And Mois...
It can get quite confusing when you’re looking for a solution for vaginal dryness or discomfort — there are so many products available in the market these days known as...

Libido Boosting Recipes (So Healthy, Too!)
There are so many great foods and nutrients that can really help with enhancing our "sexual appetite". Which foods should you be adding to your shopping cart?

The Story Behind My Feminine Cream Julva®
When I had my practice, women came to me to be treated surgically for incontinence, vaginal atrophy and sexual dysfunction. But I found a better approach after years of research....

Bringing Passion Back Into Your Marriage
Ladies, I want to talk about something that seems to be a prevailing fear among us regarding our sex lives as we grow older, and it is this: Our sex...

Self-Conscious About Your Vaginal Issues? See Y...
Too many women suffer unnecessarily, and even for years. Vaginal pain. Pelvic pain. It is uncomfortable, annoying or embarrassing to talk about – but I want to change that! I...

Viva The V! Keeping Your Feminine Health In Tip...
While the vagina is essential for life, it can also be oh-so-complicated. (Frankly, most things about being a woman are!)

The Real “Low-Down” On Laser Vaginal Rejuvenation
Laser vaginal rejuvenation isn’t really referring to a single thing anymore… it has become more of a marketing term that includes many different treatments including a variety of surgeries, laser...

3-Steps To Naturally Reduce Or Even Heal A Leak...
I'll show you 3 natural ways of reducing or even healing leaky bladder entirely. And yes, when I say natural that means no drugs or surgery.

Using Julva Cream If You’ve Had Breast Cancer
I’ve had hundreds of women asking me about the use of Julva® given their history of breast cancer. Research is showing that DHEA applied locally is safe and effective.

Diving Deep into Pelvic Floor Dysfunction
Pelvic Floor Dysfunction (PFD) is a general term that refers to a wide range of symptoms that can occur "down there." These issues are often misdiagnosed. What can you do...