Sexual Health
When can a lubricant be helpful during and afte...
Honestly, vaginal dryness is one of the most common symptoms women struggle with before, during, and after menopause. And while it’s a natural result of the decline in our estrogen...

Should I Be Taking Birth Control Pills
One of the more common concerns I have as a gynecologist is when patients come to see me who are on hormonal birth control for reasons other than preventing a...

Why Don't I Want To Have Sex Anymore? How To Ge...
Struggling with low libido during menopause? Learn how hormonal changes, emotional factors, and lifestyle shifts impact desire—and what you can do about it

Prevent Vaginal Dryness and Itching, Really!
I think feeling dry and itchy “down there” is likely one of the top shared experiences of being a woman! At all ages and stages! You may not feel comfortable...

Sexuality and Menopause: 5 Ways to Reclaim Your...
Sexuality and menopause. It’s one of those symptoms of menopause we don’t often think about. After all, when you’re battling weight gain, fatigue, and hot flashes, your libido is often...

5 Natural, Gynecologist Approved, Proven Soluti...
We’re going to talk about a topic that in general makes people uncomfortable, and yet almost all women go through at some point of their lives. Vaginal dryness.

My Favorite Natural Remedies for Vaginal Dryness
I’ve tested out so many natural remedies for vaginal dryness over the years. And in my clinical practice, I’ve written thousands of prescriptions to help women deal with vaginal dryness....

Enhance Your Relationship Intimacy & Boost Your...
As a women’s sexual health expert and longtime OB-GYN, I have worked with thousands of women – and their partners – to help them experience greater intimacy in their relationship and...

Are you soulmates or roommates?
It is so typical, however, that couples spend more time working on home improvement projects, updating all of their social media accounts or perfecting their golf game versus working on...

3 More Tips To Bring Passion Into A Sexless Mar...
The intimacy of sex is about a lot more than the physical, this is why in this article, I feel it is important to focus on the intimate side of...

3 Tips To Bring Passion Back Into A Sexless Mar...
Ladies, today I want to talk about something that seems to be a prevailing fear among us regarding our sex lives as we grow older, and it is this: Our...

Conquering Vaginal Yeast Infections
Vaginal yeast infections are a common & recurring issue for many women. Read the personal stories of my patients who found healing through natural remedies.