Sexual Health

Feel Your Best in the Bedroom
You’re not quite sure how — or when — things went downhill. You used to have so much fun in bed, but suddenly your sex life just isn’t what it...

Secrets to a Healthy Sex Life
In celebration of Sexual Health Awareness Month, let’s talk libido. Exactly what is “libido” anyway?

Menopausal dryness? Bladder leaking? Sexual dis...
It’s hard for me to believe that it has been six years since I created my internationally acclaimed feminine restorative cream, Julva®. When I initially developed Julva to address vaginal atrophy...

Natural Sex Drive Boosting Foods
When you’re young, you believe you can get away with a lot in terms of diet and exercise. But as you age, you usually start to feel the effects of...

Resilience and Beauty: Alpine Rose Stem Cells a...
I want to introduce to you a beautiful pink flowering plant, the Alpine Rose, that can be found high up in the Swiss Alps. It grows –and thrives– in an incredibly...

Natural Lubricants For Vaginal Dryness Made Wit...
In this article we explore using natural lubricants to treat your vaginal dryness, simply using ingredients made with ingredients from your kitchen!

More Vibrant and Painfree Intimacy – One Woman’...
Today I am talking with a 64 year old woman named Lisa R. about her long-term hormone treatment efforts to feel better “down there” and enjoy painless intimacy again!

Nourish your Libido
Did you know that what you eat can influence your “sexual appetite” as well as your overall health? Yes, it can! Healthy eating is important (I recommend the Keto-Green diet).But...

The Psychology of Sexual Dysfunction
Sexual dysfunction often has deep psychological roots. This is not to say those afflicted by sexual dysfunction are imagining everything; it just means that our beliefs and attitudes truly do...

What is Sexual Dysfunction?
Sexual dysfunction affects millions of couples, and can be destructive to your self esteem as well as the intimate bond in a relationship. When couples begin to have problems within...

Aphrodisiacs? I’ll Have What She Is Having!
From ancient times until now, many cultures have touted certain foods purported to enhance sexuality. Many of these aphrodisiacs were rooted in superstition, and when modern human beings use them...

The Sexual See-Saw
Years ago over lunch, a close young female friend of mine who had been married only a short while asked me if having sexual intimacy twice a week was “normal,”...