What causes Urinary Incontinence In Menopause?
Have you ever lost your bladder just a bit? Or have you ever been unable to make it to the restroom when you’ve really got to go?
Then you may be experiencing incontinence.
Incontinence is the involuntary loss of bladder control. It happens to an estimated 20 million people in the US who are going through menopause.
- Peeing a little when you laugh, cough, sneeze, lift something heavy, jump, or run
- Having to speed to the toilet when you get the urge to pee
- Planning your outings carefully so you don’t end up far away from a bathroom
- Urinating often, including during the night
- Hormonal decline in menopause that leads to weak, thinning tissues in your vulva, vagina, urethra, and pelvic floor
- Pregnancy and childbirth
- Certain foods and drinks
- Insulin resistance and diabetes
What can I do about it?
Declining levels of estrogen are at the heart of many of the symptoms of menopause.
And your urethra (the duct that transports urine out of the body) and pelvic floor are definitely affected by the loss of estrogen. These parts of your body need estrogen to feel their best. When they lose estrogen, they become thinner and weaker.
That’s one of the major ways urinary incontinence develops.
Because when your tissues down there thin out, they are unable to properly hold urine in at all times.
This is why I’m such a huge fan of locally applied DHEA.
DHEA is a natural bio-identical hormone that is one of the important building blocks your body uses to make estrogen. So it helps bring some much-needed strength back to your urethra and helps put an end to your frantic search for a bathroom every time you’re out and about.
Which is why I created:
Julva® is my dream cream — the ultimate vulva-revitalizing serum that supports your quest to end urinary incontinence. One of the main active ingredients in Julva® is DHEA.
Julva® delivers DHEA straight to the tissues that need it most. Your vulva absorbs DHEA quickly, which your body uses in turn to make estrogen and testosterone. This added bit of hormone help promotes strength and flexibility in your urethra, pelvic floor, vagina and vulva.
That means it can help you say goodbye to leaks.
And it also helps your vagina feel juicy again — plus gives a boost to your libido.
In addition DHEA, it also includes:
Julva® is perfect for the delicate tissue of the vulva because it only uses natural ingredients.
You only need to apply a small amount externally for Julva® to work its magic. Although you may want to give it about 20 minutes to fully sink in. After that, you can sit back and wait for your libido to rise and the stress of urinary incontinence to melt away. Oh, and you’ll also feel way more juicy down there too.
Other things you can do to help with urinary incontinence
#1: Dietary changes
Cut out caffeine, carbonated drinks, and alcohol. And spicy foods, too.
These are known to exacerbate urinary incontinence, so it’s best to cut them out, or at least cut back on them.
#2: Kegel exercises
Yes, as we age and our vaginal tissue becomes thinner and less elastic, things might feel a little loose down there. But kegel exercises help!
Kegel exercises strengthen the pelvic floor muscles and can improve symptoms of incontinence — and they can improve arousal and orgasm, too…so a good Kegel program is a no-brainer!
#3: Improve your blood sugar
Here’s the thing. Urinary incontinence is more likely to affect women with insulin resistance and diabetes. This is why it’s important to make sure you’re managing your blood sugar and improving insulin sensitivity with a Keto-Green® diet and plenty of exercise.