Keto-Green Diet

Oven-Braised Spare Ribs
These ribs are a must try. The combination of spices and sweetness of tomatoes and thyme creates a sensational experience. You will not be disappointed!

Mighty Maca Energy Booster Smoothie
Submitted by Melanie Deverick INGREDIENTS 1 cup almond or coconut milk 1 cup kale 1/4 cup unsweetened coconut flakes 1 or 2 scoop Mighty Maca Plus 1 table spoon matcha...

Top o’ the Mornin to Ya Smoothie
Submitted by June Stewart-White Serves: 2 INGREDIENTS 1 scoop Mighty Maca 2 cups Filtered water 1-2 scoops Protein Powder 1/2 cup Pineapple Juice of 1/2 a lime 2 inch piece...

Blueberry and Banana Mighty Maca Smoothie
Submitted by Helen Sullivan INGREDIENTS 1 cup of almond or coconut milk 1/2 cup of frozen blueberries 1/2 banana 1 teaspoon of Mighty Maca Plus Stevia to taste Sometimes I...

Yummy Power Green Matcha Smoothie
This shake gives you energy, is filling and helps to keep you alkaline!! Yummy!

Mighty Maca Berry Pinger Zinger Smoothie
by Phillipa A INGREDIENTS 1 cup fresh or thawed frozen berries, organic blueberries, raspberries, black currants 1 scoop Keto-Alkaline® Protein Shake 1-2 scoops Mighty Maca 1 tsp grated root ginger...

Mighty Maca Recipe: Canyon Ranch Mighty Maca Sm...
Dr. Anna Cabeca gives a delicious recipe for a Canyon Ranch Mighty Maca Smoothie! Yum!

Brussels Salad
Fresh, filling, and yummy, this is one of the many recipes shared by someone in our Keto-Green community! They all love it!

Green Goddess Mighty Maca Keto Ice Cream
Submitted by Stephanie F Berg INGREDIENTS 1 cup of ice cubes – put them in the blender 1 scoop of Mighty Maca Plus 1+ teaspoon of spirulina 1 + teaspoon...

Mighty Maca Guacamole
By Jannel Rap INGREDIENTS 4 Haas avocados, halved, seeded, peeled 1 lime, juiced 1/2 tsp kosher salt 1/2 tsp ground cumin 3/4 tsp cayenne pepper 1/2 medium oniom, diced 3/4...

At Dr. Anna’s Table
Delicious recipe by Varouj Kachichian

New Ways to Eat for Energy this Summer
Who isn’t tired, right? If you’re “dragging” more than you’re “doing,” not to worry. The culprit is probably your diet. There’s a compelling wealth of research that closely links the...