Keto-Green Diet

Is This How Oprah Felt?
Get back on the weight-loss wagon with Dr. Anna's 21-Day Detox Challenge, today.

Dr. Anna’s Foul Moudammas Recipe!
Dr Anna Cabeca's favorite breakfast recipe that made her smarter!

Curcumin Studied for Brain Health
Learn what researchers have to say about curcumin and its numerous benefits

Keto Diet: 10 Benefits (& Potential Drawbacks)
Keto diets work. Even among patients initially doubtful, once they get into ketosis and see impressive, gratifying, often times instant results, they become believers.

Mighty Maca Green Recipe Challenge for St. Patt...
A friendly St. Patrick’s Day competition to make Mighty Maca green recipes. Time to get creative!

The Adrenal Reset Diet
Dr Anna Cabeca and Dr. Alan Christianson discuss what the fat switch is and how to turn it off

Sweet Potato Fries
Easy, breezy, delicious sweet potato fries. Dont miss this!

Reset Soup Recipe
Dr Anna Cabeca's protein and mineral rich soup

Fish and Vegetable Sauté (Healthy in a Hurry)
Check out the healthy, easy and quick recipe