
It’s Here! Your Ultimate Guide to Maca Root: Wh...
If I told you that you could add one single plant to your diet and you could see a wildly improved menopause experience — from hot flashes to weight gain…would...

Mood Swings, Menopause, and How to Feel Normal ...
Mood swings in menopause are very real and very common. So if you’ve noticed you’re feeling worried, unsettled, angry, or emotional during this time — you are not alone. I...

Menopause Fatigue: Why You’re So Tired All the ...
Have you been feeling more tired than usual lately? Do you ever just have to take a nap — like it’s non-negotiable? Do you wake up feeling tired and struggle...

How to Improve Metabolism to Lose Weight: 10 Ea...
How to improve metabolism to lose weight. It’s one of the biggest challenges for every woman who’s gained weight in menopause. And it’s infuriating, because the weight just seems to...

Stressed Spelled Backwards Is…
Desserts! So stress is just a matter of perspective. Learn how to minimize the effects of chronic stress. (Included is one of my favorite healthy chocolate recipes, too!)

Mental Health in Menopause: Why Do I Feel So De...
Mental health in menopause can be such a struggle. For many women, the first time they start feeling depressed or anxious in their lives is during perimenopause, and for others,...

How Your Hormones Cause Weight Gain in Menopause
Weight gain, menopause, and belly fat are closely connected. It’s just one of those unfortunate facts of life. But have you ever wondered why women seem to gain weight around...

10 Myths About Menopause You Shouldn’t Believe
Myths about menopause are everywhere. And the fact that we’re still hearing a lot of incorrect information about menopause regularly tells me that we still have a ways to go...

Urinary Incontinence Causes Frustration and Emb...
Hands up if you’ve ever peed your pants a little bit when you coughed. Or sneezed. Maybe you’ve had to give up jogging or jumping on the trampoline with your...

Nourish the Change: The Power of Superfoods for...
Can you really make menopause more enjoyable with food? No, I’m not talking about soothing your mood with dessert or getting an energy boost with coffee. I am talking about...

How to Get Your Life Back From the Earliest Sig...
The earliest signs of menopause can start to appear well before you’re ready. For some women, they can show up as early as age 35. But when you know the...

The Change Before the Change: Signs Perimenopau...
What are the signs perimenopause is starting? This is a question I’ve heard time and again over my career — because frankly, we don’t talk about this enough! And as...