Hormones And The Heart
An excellent article by James E. Barker, ND details how hormones are the “fountain of youth” in the human body. Their job is to regulate the functions of different tissues...
One Woman’s Secret to Aging Gracefully
Today I’m talking with a 54-year-old rock-star named Geri Newell. Why do I consider that she is rocking it? Well, she has embraced dramatic changes in her life in order...
PMS: Tips to Calm and Prevent Your Symptoms
For women, PMS really doesn’t feel good and we know it. Our moods and reactions are off. We can be more anxious or depressed, our sleep cycles can be off,...
The Importance of Testing Your Urine to Assess ...
I believe Urine pH testing is an important vital sign! In this article I want you to understand the vital importance of testing your own urine pH and ketones too for that matter!
What You Need to Know About Hormones and Your H...
Raise your hand if you sometimes experience irritability, hot flashes, sleep problems, fatigue and/or vaginal dryness. Regardless of your age, these very common symptoms – which can dramatically affect your quality...
Is Hysterectomy Optional?
Let’s talk about how best to support your body in avoiding hysterectomy by optimizing your health with natural remedies you can implement today. These natural strategies address the root causes...
What You Need to Know About Having a Hysterectomy
One gynecological topic that I get a lot of questions about is relating to hysterectomies. More specifically, how does having a hysterectomy impact a woman’s hormones and what can women...
Fine Tuning Your Hormones
What’s going on? You’re taking all the right steps; eating healthy foods and being consistent with your exercise routine, but the scale just won’t budge. Why?
Hormones & Health: What Many Women Don’t Know
Mood swings. Hot flashes. Weight gain. These are just some of the most well-known and dreaded side effects of menopause. Unfortunately, most women think these symptoms are a “part of...
How To Turn On Your Youth Hormones
As I neared age 50, I decided that I was going to feel and look the absolute best I ever had. Afterall, I am raising a young daughter and there...
What Is A Hormone?
What exactly is a hormone? I know they control things happening in my body, but what are they? How do they work? And why are they important to my health?...
Thyroid Health and Hashimoto’s: What You Need ...
Since writing my book, The Hormone Fix, I have met and talked to thousands of women who tell me how appreciative they are to discover how to optimize and balance their...