One question I get a lot from my Girlfriend Doctor Community is about what women can do to prevent osteoporosis, the degenerative bone loss, and weakening which increases the risk for fracture. This question comes from women of all ages, whether they are in their 30s, in menopause, or postmenopausal.
It is estimated that about 18.8 percent of women over the age of 50 have osteoporosis (even if not formally diagnosed), and probably some 80 percent have at least some measurable bone loss by that age. (CDC data 2017-2018) (48)
The good news is there is a lot women can do—at any age—to prevent, delay, and even reverse bone loss.
First, though, we need to understand why we start to lose bone and bone strength to begin with.

Osteoporosis is a degenerative bone disease. It initially appears as lower bone mineral density (less bone) in women starting around the age of 35. Family history as well as a wide variety of lifestyle influences (smoking, diet, exercise, etc.), hormone imbalances (estrogen loss being key), stress, and other risk factors can influence the speed of a given woman’s bone loss.
Menopause in particular can have a tremendous impact on the development and worsening of osteoporosis.
Osteoporosis progression can be treated and substantially delayed, or even avoided, in many cases, if you take the right preventative steps. The challenge is that it is a “silent” disease; there are really no symptoms prior to sustaining an initial fracture.
But none of us want broken bones! That’s why preventative bone density screening and other bone health testing is so important. I’ll talk about three recommended bone health tests later on in this article.
You may not be aware of this but the bone in your body continually breaks down (a process called resorption) and is replaced by new bone (called formation). Both of these processes result in “bone turnover”. When you are younger your body makes more bone than it breaks down so bone density increases or remains the same (and bone turnover isn’t on the increase).
But by your mid-30s, although your body continues to break down and build new bone, it rebuilds bone at a slower pace. Bone turnover increases. This is when we start to see a decrease in bone mass (measured as bone density), abnormal bone structure, and a reduction in bone quality and strength. If screened, a woman may find out she has normal bone density or she may be diagnosed with osteopenia (lower bone density than normal), which means her screening scores show her bone density is actually already progressing to osteoporosis (and a significantly increased risk for fractures).
I’ll talk much more about this but menopause has a significant impact on bone density and overall bone quality. Bone loss has been found to be most rapid during the period right before, during, and after menopause.
Statistics vary but according to the National Institute on Aging, one out of every 2 women and 1 in 4 men over age 50 will have an osteoporosis-caused fracture (most typically of the hip, spine, or wrist) in their lifetime. (1)
What Does Bone Loss Look Like?
Your bones are not solid, stiff, and unchanging like a Halloween skeleton! Your bones are actually alive and growing, flexible, and even have flowing body fluids inside of them.
Think of bone as a porous matrix, almost like a honeycomb. That matrix is made up of protein, collagen, and minerals such as calcium. The structure provides bone strength and in particular, calcium keeps our bones strong. The collagen inside our bones provides flexibility and helps absorb shock when we run or are active; it helps keep bone from breaking. We want hard but flexible bones!

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Osteoporosis actually means “porous bone.” See how it looks under a microscope? The bones showing osteoporosis have an abnormal and thin tissue structure and have lost density or mass. Bones become more porous, brittle, and less flexible. This makes them weaker and more likely to break.
Risk Factors for Osteoporosis (do you know your risk?)
There are many things you can do to prevent or delay osteoporosis progression but there are some key risk factors that you may not be able to change. The good news is that knowing about your unique set of risk factors early on should alert you and your doctor to the potential need for earlier bone density and bone quality screening—and makes it more likely to get insurance to cover that screening as well.
Risk factors that you can’t really control (but that can provide a heads-up on your increased risk for osteoporosis) include :
Your age
osteoporosis risk increases with age, especially over 50.
Your sex
while men do get osteoporosis a woman’s risk is 4 times greater. (2)
a family history of bone loss, osteoporosis, or fractures. A parent having height loss or curvature of the spine.
Factors occurring during childhood and adolescence
such as poor nutrition, low calcium intake, and delayed puberty. (3)
some research has found that white, Hispanic, Asian, and Native American women are more at risk for osteoporosis than black women. (4,5)
Irregular Periods/amenorrhea/ovulatory issues
some research has found that white, Hispanic, Asian, and Native American women are more at risk for osteoporosis than black women. (4,5)
Early Menopause
the decrease in sexual hormones results in greater bone loss (I’ll talk more about this in a moment).
Low body mass index (BMI)
having a small body frame size, or being underweight. (7)
Pregnancy and breastfeeding
can cause a temporary decrease in bone density.
Previous surgery to remove ovaries
prior to menstruation stopping naturally (ovaries produce estrogen). Note that even a hysterectomy without removal of the ovaries can increase a woman’s osteoporosis risk as research has found that women will often transition to menopause earlier after a hysterectomy. (8)
History of a broken bone after age 50
can be a warning sign of osteoporosis, as it may indicate reduced bone density and strength. As we age, bones naturally become more fragile, and even a minor fall or impact can lead to fractures, signaling an increased risk for future bone breaks.
Your age
osteoporosis risk increases with age, especially over 50.
Your sex
while men do get osteoporosis a woman’s risk is 4 times greater. (2)
a family history for bone loss, osteoporosis, or fractures. A parent having height loss or curvature of the spine.
Factors occurring during childhood and adolescence
such as poor nutrition, low calcium intake, and delayed puberty. (3)
Your ethnicity
some research has found that white, Hispanic, Asian, and Native American women are more at risk for osteoporosis than black women. (4,5)
Irregular Periods/amenorrhea/ovulatory issues
lack of a menstrual cycle (due to endurance sports or sports requiring thin frames such as marathon running, as two examples) or having ovulatory issues can result in lower levels of estrogen and results in loss of bone density and strength. (6)
Early menopause
the decrease in sexual hormones results in greater bone loss (I’ll talk more about this in a moment).
Low body mass index (BMI)
having a small body frame size, or being underweight. (7)
Pregnancy and breastfeeding
can cause a temporary decrease in bone density.
Previous surgery to remove ovaries
prior to menstruation stopping naturally (ovaries produce estrogen). Note that even a hysterectomy without removal of the ovaries can increase a woman’s osteoporosis risk as research has found that women will often transition to menopause earlier after a hysterectomy (8).
History of a broken bone after age 50
can be a warning sign of osteoporosis, as it may indicate reduced bone density and strength. As we age, bones naturally become more fragile, and even a minor fall or impact can lead to fractures, signaling an increased risk for future bone breaks.
Root Causes of Osteoporosis (risk factors you can control!)
While the above risk factors may not be preventable there are still many interventions that can help (I’ll discuss steps you can take at the end of this article). Additionally, many of the root causes for osteoporosis are under your control as they are directly related to living an acidic, inflammatory lifestyle!
We can make a number of relatively simple lifestyle changes to decrease most of the following risk factors:
Not eating the right amount of bone-nourishing nutrients including calcium, vitamin D, vitamin K, magnesium, protein, and collagen!
Poor gut health! Poor digestion means your body can’t absorb and utilize key bone-supportive nutrients! Gut issues can include gluten and other food sensitivities (dairy is my poison!), GERD, leaky gut due to a poor inflammatory diet or stress, etc.
Inflammatory conditions are known to be a risk factor for bone loss. Diabetes and insulin resistance are two examples I see a lot in my Girlfriend Community. We need to address the root causes of these conditions which will also then have a positive effect on our bones.
Hormone imbalances – I’ll talk more about hormones as they all affect our bone health. Imbalances can be seen with our sex hormones such as estrogen, progesterone, DHEA, and testosterone; thyroid hormones; insulin (blood sugar control); cortisol and oxytocin.
Menopause – While menopause isn’t under your control, lifestyle interventions that you can choose to implement are, and they can significantly impact how your menopause experience will unfold (including health risks you can modify such as osteoporosis) (9)
Long-term use of certain medications such as Proton Pump Inhibitors (PPIs) and antacids used as acid reducers. PPIs have been associated with increased bone fragility and increased fracture risk. (10) Stomach acid is needed to break down needed nutrients and is necessary for calcium absorption. PPIs have also been found to affect the gut microbiome which can impact immune health and more (they interfere with thyroid meds, too!). Other medications impact bones as well, including steroids, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) used for depression and anxiety (decreases bone density) (11), thyroid medication (too much thyroid hormone can affect bone), oral contraceptives, and more. See the research listing medications problematic to bone health on the linked page. (12)
Lack of exercise or periods of immobilization. (13)
Chronic stress. (14)
Poor sleep or too much sleep/napping (inactivity level). (15)
Smoking. (16)
Excessive alcohol, soft drinks, or caffeine consumption. (17,18)
Certain inflammatory disease states including cancer, some autoimmune disorders (rheumatoid arthritis, MS), Parkinson’s disease, endocrine disorders (thyroid diseases, diabetes), kidney/liver/digestive diseases, and mental health issues (depression). While you may not have control over the disease, in most cases you can affect disease progression with anti-inflammatory lifestyle changes.
Why Does Menopause Trigger Increasing Bone Loss and Osteoporosis?
While bone loss often occurs earlier than menopause (as sexual hormones decline or due to a woman’s risk factors), there is a rapid phase of bone loss in women over a 3-year time frame starting about a year prior to her final menstrual period. Bone density decline then continues during menopause and over the next two years after which there is a slight reduction in loss rate. This of course will vary according to a given woman’s individual risk factors and her lifestyle choices. (19)
There is a positive correlation between “time since menopause” and the risk of osteopenia and osteoporosis, with reduced bone mineral density seen as time goes by after menopause.
Why? Well, it’s all about sexual hormone decline and other hormone imbalances that are prone to occur at this time, such as the loss of insulin control and having too much cortisol.
Sexual hormones are a key trigger for osteoporosis
Prior to menopause estrogen dramatically declines (again, estrogen is needed to decrease bone loss), but also, progesterone, DHEA, and testosterone are also all on the decline (and they are all needed to rebuild bone).

See how a woman’s sexual hormones plateau in her 30s and then start to decline dramatically in perimenopause? These decreases directly relate to the slowdown in bone breakdown and rebuilding in our mid-thirties. By age 50 you can see why so many women already are experiencing bone loss or are on their way to osteoporosis.
Bone loss studies show perimenopausal women having hot flashes and night sweats (linked to declines in estrogen) have higher bone turnover. (20) It has even been suggested that hot flashes before the final menstrual period could be viewed as a marker for adverse bone health(and a heads up that some bone health testing should be undertaken!). Does this sound like you?
Women who go through early menopause (between age 40 and 45), thus having low levels of estrogen, are found to have a lower bone mineral density. (21) One study found that women who go through menopause prior to age 47 had an increased risk of osteoporosis and fragility fractures. (22)
While the decrease in estrogen is a huge factor in bone loss, other sexual hormones also affect bone turnover; the decrease in these hormones (as women age but particularly during menopause) often gets ignored.
is anti-inflammatory and protective of your bones as well as your brain (including mental health and mood!), heart, and breasts. (23) As progesterone declines women can also suffer from poor sleep, mood swings, and other PMS symptoms. While I routinely test for progesterone levels, I often recommend topical progesterone cream for my patients and clients as I have found that most (after age 35) have less than optimal levels of progesterone.
is anti-inflammatory and protective of your bones as well as your brain (including mental health and mood!), heart, and breasts. (23) As progesterone declines women can also suffer from poor sleep, mood swings, and other PMS symptoms. While I routinely test for progesterone levels, I often recommend topical progesterone cream for my patients and clients as I have found that most (after age 35) have less than optimal levels of progesterone.
DHEA (Dehydroepiandrosterone)
the adrenal glands transform DHEA into estrogen and testosterone. It also is involved in making insulin growth factor (supportive of insulin sensitivity and muscle growth). Optimal levels have been found to increase bone mineral density and it also increases the production of collagen. (24) I use DHEA in my Julva® feminine cream. In clinical studies, locally applied DHEA was found to increase bone mineral density as well as increase a marker of bone formation, serum osteocalcin. (25)
DHEA (Dehydroepiandrosterone)
the adrenal glands transform DHEA into estrogen and testosterone. It also is involved in making insulin growth factor (supportive of insulin sensitivity and muscle growth). Optimal levels have been found to increase bone mineral density and it also increases the production of collagen. (24) I use DHEA in my Julva® feminine cream. In clinical studies, locally applied DHEA was found to increase bone mineral density as well as increase a marker of bone formation, serum osteocalcin. (25)
yes, women need testosterone too! It’s important for the growth and repair of the reproduction tissues as well as important for bone density, muscle mass, blood cell production, heart health, and more. A recent study in US women aged 40-60 years found a positive correlation between testosterone levels and bone mineral density. (26) I sometimes prescribe bio-identical testosterone to my patients having osteoporosis—even those in perimenopause—to help build up their bone.
yes, women need testosterone too! It’s important for the growth and repair of the reproduction tissues as well as important for bone density, muscle mass, blood cell production, heart health, and more. A recent study in US women aged 40-60 years found a positive correlation between testosterone levels and bone mineral density. (26) I sometimes prescribe bio-identical testosterone to my patients having osteoporosis—even those in perimenopause—to help build up their bone.
You can read more about sexual hormones (in both women and men!) in the linked article.
Metabolic factors during menopause are also associated with increased fracture risk
We see more inflammatory conditions as we age and this is especially true during the menopause transition. Metabolic changes often result in obesity, insulin resistance, and other types of inflammation such as adrenal dysfunction (due to chronic stress). (27,28) These hormone changes impact a woman’s bone health (and these hormones can be re-balanced!).
Insulin resistance - reduced estrogen levels can make your body more resistant to insulin. Insulin resistance is associated with bone mineral density loss and changes in bone microarchitecture (loss of strength). Developing more insulin sensitivity is associated with bone mineral density preservation. (29-31)
Cortisol – chronic stress has been shown to inhibit bone formation resulting in a decrease of bone mass as well as deterioration of bone quality. Stress (cortisol) activates the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis which increases inflammation. (32-34)
Should A Woman Get Screened for Osteoporosis Before Menopause?
YES! However, insurance may not pay for it. There are some low-cost options that I will get to further on in this article.
Throughout her adult life (and certainly by her mid-30s) a woman’s primary care doctor should be monitoring her medical history (including assessing her for the risk factors for osteoporosis that I mentioned earlier), and measuring for loss of height during annual exams.
But sometimes bone health is not really considered until a woman is in menopause. As mentioned, there are no obvious symptoms. Perimenopausal women (even those having multiple risk factors) may not know to proactively ask their doctor about getting screened. Without screening these women (and men) won’t be alerted to any bone loss they may already have and won’t be able to benefit from preventative measures. They may not even know they have an issue until they experience a fracture. (35,36)
For this reason, you may need to kick-start the discussion with your doctor yourself! Remember, you are the CEO of your bone and overall health!

For use after the age of 40, there is a screening program called FRAX that can be done. You can even do the FRAX Screen online yourself and then discuss your results with your doctor. This tool helps predict your risk of having a fracture within the next 10 years. It calculates your risk based on your answering a number of questions relating to factors that impact your risk for osteoporosis. The screening only takes a few minutes. It is a good initial way to assess at least the obvious bone health risks, and it can help get the osteoporosis conversation started with your doctor.

Bone mineral density screening is typically the initial test given to most women, ordered by their physician.
The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) recommends bone density screening at the age of 65 or earlier depending on if a woman has gone through menopause or has other osteoporosis risk factors (such as having had a fracture already, a family history, diabetes, smoking, etc.).
As a woman’s health advocate and OB/GYN I have always used an individual’s medical history (family health history, health status and lifestyle factors) as well as regular lab testing to guide me on when I need to start evaluating a patient’s bone health, regardless of insurance guidelines. Often this is in her 30’s. My usual test panel for new patients includes hormone levels (estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, DHEA, cortisol, and insulin) along with other key markers (vitamin D, calcium, magnesium, etc.). If results indicate deficient levels or areas of concern, if a woman is already in menopause, or if she has several risk factors for osteoporosis I would then recommend bone mineral density testing as well as testing for bone turnover markers.
Bone mineral density (and osteoporosis status) is measured by a dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry scan (better known as a DXA or DEXA screening). It’s painless, safe (low-dose radiation), and is a relatively quick test (15-20 minutes).
DEXA measures the mineral content/density of the bone. It provides precise measurements at sites such as the hip, spine, and/or forearm.
You’ll need to check your current insurance but Medicare generally has covered scans every other year for women over the age of 65 (and men over 70). If you have risk factors (such as menopause or fracture history) your insurance may cover the scans at an earlier age.
The results of a DEXA screening provide you info on the state of your bone density compared to others your age (Z-score), as well as compared to an average young person (age 30, the time of peak bone mass) with healthy bones (T-score). T-scores are most important and the lower the bone density T-score the greater risk for fracture.
A score between +1 and -1 is considered “normal”. A T-score between -1.1 and -2.4 is diagnosed as osteopenia (at risk for developing osteoporosis). Your doctor will assess this along with your other risk factors to determine treatment to prevent osteoporosis.
A T-score of -2.5 or less is a diagnosis for osteoporosis.
Just like any screening your doctor should work with you to determine next steps as well as to identify when you should next be screened (to check on the progression of bone loss as well as to monitor improvements from whatever treatments or preventative actions you decide to take).

BMD screening will provide you with important information, but it does have several limitations. First, it is just often given too late! That’s why you need to take action and have a discussion with your doctor relating to your risks for osteoporosis early on. I’ve had clients in their 30s do it for a baseline and yes in their 40s for sure (especially if low in vitamin D and have other risk factors).
BMD screening also doesn’t catch the entire picture when it comes to bone loss. It has been shown that 55-70 percent of fragility fractures that occur actually happen to people who were not identified as having osteoporosis with a BMD screening. (49,50).

Well, BMD screening doesn’t capture decreases in bone quality (its microarchitecture and tissue structure) which is critical for bone strength. Women can have a density score that doesn’t signify osteoporosis, but may still be at increased risk for fractures due to poor bone quality. And the opposite can also be true. A woman can have a terrible density score that signifies osteoporosis, but with good bone quality may never have a fracture.
BMD testing is also a lagging indicator for what is happening “real-time” with your bone, meaning it tests bone mass at one point in time. And if you don’t get rescreened for 2 years how do you know that interventions you are implementing are helping? Or how do you know if your bone loss is getting worse? Two years is a long time to be in the dark.

I have a podcast on this topic you might want to listen to. I interviewed the Bone Coach, Kevin Ellis, about all things relating to protecting your bone health.
Kevin talked about how bone mineral density testing does provide precise info on bone mass, but that it isn’t a measure of bone quality, bone strength, and whether a person is actively losing bone (bone turnover). He suggested an add-on test to DEXA called Trabecular Bone Score (TBS) testing.
Not every DEXA facility will have it, but it is worth asking about. It provides a measurement of bone microarchitecture including bone tissue which can point to enhanced bone fragility. A high TBS score represents strong, fracture-resistant bones, and a low score points to weak, fracture-prone microarchitecture. (37)
The TBS test provides more info but is (like the DEXA) still a lagging indicator. Again, two years is a long time to see if your bone turnover is getting better or worse.
What is needed is a test that shows active bone turnover that can easily be taken more often, such as every 3-6 months or so (so you can measure your progress). And guess what, such tests exist! They are referred to as peptide testing and they measure bone turnover markers in urine or blood to determine whether you are actively turning over bone. These tests can be easily—and more cost-effectively—repeated more frequently.
Studies have found that bone turnover markers of both perimenopausal and older postmenopausal women (and older men) are associated with fracture risk and may be useful for the prediction of fractures in the future. (38)

There are two sets of bone turnover markers your doctor may want to evaluate. One measures bone resorption (breakdown) and one measures bone formation (buildup).
As bone is broken down certain protein by-products are excreted in the blood or urine. The two mentioned in my podcast with Kevin are NTx (N-Telopeptides urine or blood test) and CTx (Carboxy-terminal telopeptide cross-linked type 1 collage blood test).
The tests for bone formation measure the rate of development of new bone and new collagen and include: P1NP (Procollagen type-1 N-terminal propeptide blood test), osteocalcin (blood test), and bone-specific alkaline phosphatase (BAP blood test).
All of these tests can be given prior to undergoing preventative treatment for osteoporosis and then re-measured in 3-6 months—rather than waiting 2 years for another DEXA—to determine if treatment is beneficial and to assess whether active bone loss is still occurring.
So, as an example, if a perimenopausal woman takes a urinary NTx test she may discover she has a high bone turnover rate, even if she hasn’t tested with low bone density on a DEXA test (or even if she hasn’t had the DEXA test). She’ll be alerted she needs to take preventative measures as she has a greater risk for fractures. If she then takes the NTx test 6 months later, a higher NTx measure will provide an early alert that her osteoporosis interventions aren’t working. It also indicates a higher risk of fracture. She can then get tested again in menopause, etc. If you are in the perimenopause and have a family history of osteoporosis or other risk factors, this type of testing can be very helpful. (39)
These tests are worth discussing with your doctor early on (maybe when you initiate the discussion on osteoporosis with your FRAX screening results in hand).

Should your insurance not cover traditional DEXA testing there are a few options you might want to look in to. These do not require referral by your doctor and are self-pay, but more affordable.
a DEXA scanning service that has a low promotional rate ($59.95). Available in many cities and they have a mobile capability in some cities as well.
BodySpec - a DEXA scanning service that has a low promotional rate ($59.95). Available in many cities and they have a mobile capability in some cities as well.
Echolight - this is a new technology using Radiofrequency Echographic Multi Spectrometry (REMS), which is ultrasound measuring both the bone mineral density of the spine and femur as well as evaluating bone quality and strength, without radiation. It has been approved by the FDA. You may be able to find it at a wellness spa or nearby medical/radiological facility. It isn’t widely available as yet but could be worth your checking into depending on where you live. I’m not sure of the pricing but the appeal to me is that it provides both the density measurement as well as the bone quality measurement (so gives you the whole picture relating to bone strength) and it also does so without radiation. One of my colleagues, Dr. Susan Brown PhD, has been evaluating this newer ultrasound technology, you might find her article and video of interest.
this is a new technology using Radiofrequency Echographic Multi Spectrometry (REMS), which is ultrasound measuring both the bone mineral density of the spine and femur as well as evaluating bone quality and strength, without radiation. It has been approved by the FDA. You may be able to find it at a wellness spa or nearby medical/radiological facility. It isn’t widely available as yet but could be worth your checking into depending on where you live. I’m not sure of the pricing but the appeal to me is that it provides both the density measurement as well as the bone quality measurement (so gives you the whole picture relating to bone strength) and it also does so without radiation. One of my colleagues, Dr. Susan Brown PhD, has been evaluating this newer ultrasound technology, you might find her article and video of interest.
My Recommended Osteoporosis Interventions
We all see the TV ads for the many prescription medications for osteoporosis. These meds can sometimes be truly required and helpful, but please be aware that there are many documented side effects including gastrointestinal problems and musculoskeletal pain, as well as a number of other potential issues. Bisphosphonates (Boniva, Fosamax, Reclast, Actonel, Aredia), as one example, have been shown to have these types of side effects, as well as there being many unknowns as to what these types of medications may do to the health of bones longer-term.
These medications appear to increase the risk for atypical fractures (fractures occurring in areas of the body having high bone density which do not usually fracture) when used longer-term. It is thought that suppressed bone turnover may occur which could lead to brittle bones having poor quality and microcracks, thus becoming more susceptible to fractures. (40-42)
While these prescription medications have their place (your doctor evaluating the benefit versus risk), I feel that too often we reach for that “miracle pill” without truly understanding the longer-term consequences.
But there isn’t such a thing as a miracle pill! That’s the problem. These meds do not address the root causes of bone loss.
NOTE, however, you should never stop taking any prescribed medications or begin taking supplements or over-the-counter medications without discussing this with your doctor.
I have found that it is usually more effective to have a patient try lifestyle changes to resolve the root causes for bone loss prior to introducing medications with potential side effects. If you look back at my earlier list of root causes, most have to do with CHOICES women can make which can result in an acidic lifestyle causing inflammation and hormone disruptions that contribute to poor health (including bone health).
Resolve these root causes and you will see all kinds of health improvements including reducing your risks for osteoporosis and fractures.
So with that said, here are some of my key recommendations to prevent, treat, and reverse osteoporosis.
Key recommendations to prevent, treat, and reverse osteoporosis
1 | Early assessment of osteoporosis risk factors and screenings!
Don’t wait until you hit menopause to worry about bone loss. You need to know your risk factors for osteoporosis and what the state of your bone health is. Take the FRAX screening. Talk to your doctor about your risks and discuss taking a test for bone turnover markers such as NTx. I suggest a DEXA by age 40 even if you have to self-pay (but if you have risk factors you may be able to get insurance to cover it). If you’ve had testing and been found to already have bone loss or osteoporosis, talk to your doctor about trying natural interventions prior to prescription Bisphosphonates or other meds.
2 | Eat an alkaline Keto-Green® diet
to gain the bone-supportive benefits of alkalinity (anti-inflammatory, detoxifying, nutrient and mineral-rich), intermittent fasting (insulin control and greater metabolic health), and an anti-inflammatory lifestyle (healthier gut, greater hormone balance, improved sleep, stress/cortisol reduction, and more). Read how to get started on a Keto-Green lifestyle in the linked articles.
3 | Optimize bone-nourishing nutrients
A keto-green diet will ensure a healthy dose of bone-supportive nutrients and minerals and will additionally support their absorption (thru a healthier gut), but many women may still need additional support.
Vitamin D and K
I suggest women get a vitamin D test to check their levels, many women will find they are deficient (try my product Ray of Strength if you are; my product contains its needed companion vitamin K). You can find more info on testing and optimal levels at the link.
Magnesium and Calcium
it is estimated that some 80 percent of us are deficient in magnesium and low levels are associated with osteoporosis, sleep issues, poor blood sugar control, and many other negative health effects. An acidic diet will likely be low in magnesium, calcium, and other bone-supportive nutrients. Along with a healthy alkaline diet you may benefit from my Daily Dose of Goodness Super Women Packs which contains calcium, magnesium, vitamin C, zinc, and many other proven bone-protective nutrients.
OSAplex™ and Strontium Support II
these are products from Xymogen, available through Wholescripts. I like to alternate these in 3-month intervals; supportive of healthy bones, cartilage, and ligaments.
makes up 90 percent of our bones, joints, and skin! Good for digestive health as well. I love to make homemade bone broth which contains collagen (and is loaded with calcium and magnesium, too). Yum. Here is a podcast I did on the importance of collagen when it comes to healthy bones.
Sleep support
poor sleep is associated with lower bone mass and a higher risk for osteoporosis. (51) Magnesium (noted above) is supportive of improved sleep and is contained in my Nite-Zzz Caps along with other beautiful nutrients that will calm you and provide a deeper restorative sleep.
promote digestive health and greater absorption of nutrients; research has found some strains may support bone health by decreasing resorption and increasing bone density, as well. (43-45) Try my Gut Thrive to optimally support your gut health and more.
4 | Ditch (or at least reduce!) the bone-robbers you consume
(cigarettes, alcohol, soft drinks, and caffeine)
5 | Talk to your doctor about alternatives to medications that increase bone fragility
and increase your fracture risk! (PPIs, antacids, steroids, SSRIs, and more). Again, here’s a list of many meds that don’t play well with bone.
6 | Get moving!
Muscle is Magic! – physical activity, weight-bearing exercises, and muscle-strengthening exercises will all help increase your bone. You can search online for “bone density exercises” and find videos on physical therapy, pilates, yoga, strength training, and general fitness. Many demonstrate a variety of bone-building techniques. I’ve interviewed Debra Atkinson, founder of Flipping 50, about exercise beneficial (strength training!) to women (especially as we age) . Exercise will also help with fall prevention! One study found that when older adults trained more than three hours/week they had a 39 percent reduction in falls. One of my favorite exercises is simply walking! (I love boxing, too). Swimming is a good alternative if you have issues with impact on your joints during other exercises; it has been shown to increase bone mineral density. (46)
Exercise has other bone-supportive benefits as it decreases stress/cortisol, increases anti-inflammatory cytokines, decreases inflammatory cytokines, and supports the body in various cell cleaning processes (autophagy and apoptosis, similar to what intermittent fasting provides). (47)
7 | Sexual hormone optimization
I have prescribed bio-identical hormones (estrogen, progesterone, DHEA, and testosterone) as a short-term combination therapy with dietary/lifestyle interventions to increase bone density in my patients and clients having osteopenia and osteoporosis. Having said that my preference is to focus on hormone replenishment versus replacement, and this podcast tells you why! (hint, lifestyle interventions address and resolve root causes!)
8 | Redefine your menopause journey
Finally, if you are in menopause you may also find it helpful to learn how to make your journey more optimal and enjoyable (and healthier for your bones as well)! There are many things you can do that can help you naturally balance your hormones and allow you to Breeze Through Menopause.
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