
Dr. Anna Cabeca
It is said that people with inquisitive minds make the best researchers. Dr. Anna Cabeca was born with one of the most inquisitive minds ever, and her research has helped many people—even herself! “I’ve always been a mechanism of action person. I always ask why and how? Then I go and find the answers.”
At age six, Anna knew she was going to be a doctor, for she was being taught to know food as medicine. “I was the first in my family to go to college.” Anna’s inspirational mother, Claire Suidan Cabeca, was also her mentor. “Her life shaped my life and career. Thanks to her knowledge passed down through generations. I can still hear her telling us to eat Zhatar, an herb mixture of thyme, sesame seeds and olive oil we dipped with pita bread. ‘Eat this, it will make you smart!’”
“I’m also a first generation American. We often called our Doylestown, Pennsylvania home the ‘United Nations’. Each day you’d hear Arabic, French and English. We also spoke some Hebrew and Portuguese.” Anna recalls another important message from her mom, ‘Your education is something no one can take away from you.’ “So I say the same thing to my children today.”
Graduating in 1988 from Pennsylvania’s Ursinus College with degrees in biology and psychology, 22 year-old Anna first published and presented works on respiratoryphysiology for the U.S. Naval Medical Research Institute. Then for three years, while completing graduate course work in Epidemiology in the College of Public Health at George Washington University, Anna was also a chemist for Wyeth-Ayerst labs. Next she attended medical school at Nova Southeastern University in the College of Osteopathic Medicine on a National Health Service Corps scholarship. With the knowledge that world travel is one of life’s best teaching tools, and ready to pack her bags, Anna started the Nova Southeastern medical student exchange program. “I was honored to study abroad in Egypt!” At Emory University School of Medicine, specializing in the department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Dr. Cabeca performed residency rounds at Crawford Long, Grady, Emory, and Piedmont Hospitals. Her continuing research included a project for the HERS trial on hormone replacement. In 2000 Darien, Georgia would be the site for Dr. Cabeca’s first solo practice, followed by a move to her present Brunswick location.
A women’s health specialist in Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy, Dr. Cabeca is compassionately motivated each day to help her patients achieve optimal wellness. “I’m inspired by the transformations I see in the women I take care of. Now we know hormonal balance and physical touch are so important at any age. No matter how old you are, you’re entitled to optimal health, for your body is the temple of your spirit!”
Whether on a personal appointment, speaking at healthy lifestyle conferences, or on the internet, Dr. Cabeca reaches out to people all over the world. Speaking from her research and personal experiences, one such phenomenal event involves her youngest child. “We call our daughter, Avamarie, our four-year-old miracle child. Using God’s gifts and healing from the inside out enabled me to have Avamarie. Modern medicine was not working for me. I was told I was menopausal at age 39 and infertile.” This is where knowing from childhood that food is medicine, was most fundamental. “I began researching foods from the natural world, including ‘Maca’. With its natural anti-inflammatory ingredients,
I was able to conceive.”
Lastly, I asked Dr. Cabeca what she does to enjoy a little downtime for some guilty pleasures, what foods does she choose? “I love indulging in chocolate and wine; but you can be sure I’ve done the research to
Lives: On St. Simons Island
Children: Daughters Brittany age 24, Amanda age 16, Amira age 13, Avamarie is 4. Always in their hearts is son Garrett, who passed away
Words to remember: “Love never dies. Allow love to be your inspiration to do things bigger than yourself”
Outdoor family time: “We all go horseback riding out at Three Oaks Farm and ride on the beach at Jekyll Island”
Last great book she read: Slow Sex by Nicole Daedone
What’s next? “A Sexy, Younger, You” – A free International Tele-summit featuring Dr. Cabeca and other health professionals will be on the internet in September. For details: www.dranna.flightless.us