by Elizabeta B
- 1 cup of Organic Soya milk- for estrogen
- 2 small cups of Mighty Maca® Plus – for alkalinity and greens
- 1 tbsp Almond butter- for fat
- 1 scoop of Keto-Alkaline® Protein Shake (I love it) -for proteins
- 1/2 tsp of ginger- to increase metabolism
- 1 drop of Clary Cage essential oil – to support the adrenals
- 1 drop of Ylang Ylang essential oil – balancing hormones
- 1 drop of Orange essential oil – for energy
- 2 drop of Vanilla essential oil – for taste
- A pinch of cinnamon to stabilize the sugar throughout the day
- Add filtered water
Put everything in the blender and blend well. Enjoy!
Click here to get 11 of Dr. Anna’s favorite recipes for menopause!