
Episode 58 - What Your Mom Never Told You About...
In this solo episode, Dr. Anna Cabeca shares insight into her new book MenuPause. The book will provide five unique and nourishing eating plans to help you get unstuck...

Episode 57 - Your Life Without Glasses: Healing...
Wearing glasses may not be as uncool as they used to be, but they may actually be making your vision worse as you age. Dr. Anna and Claudia Muehlenweg discuss...

Episode 56 - Intermittent Fasting, Perimenopaus...
Cynthia Thurlow tells the story of how a serious health scare, complete with ruptured appendix and complications, put her on the path to functional nutrition and helping people heal through...

Episode 54 - How to Take Care of Your Skin and ...
Dr. Anthony Youn is a plastic surgeon, bestselling author, and transformation expert who has become a social media sensation building an audience of millions of followers across YouTube, Instagram and...

Episode 53 - The Role of Minerals in Fatigue, H...
Instead of guessing, you need to test when it comes to your health. Barton Scott is on the podcast to talk about his struggle with brain fog and low energy,...

Episode 52 - Love, Passion, and Oxytocin Moments
February is the month of love, so it’s time to take the opportunity and show yourself some love too! Find out how to not only live longer but improve the...

Episode 51 - Overcoming The Leptin Plateau
Dr. Bindiya breaks down the impact of the hormone leptin and why so many people struggle with a weight loss plateau that they can’t breakthrough. Learn how dieting for too...

077: How Essential Oils Can Help Reduce Chronic...
We all know what it feels like to be rundown, stressed, and on the brink of burnout. My guest, Dr. Mariza Snyder, a specialist in using essential oils for hormone...

Episode 50 - MenuPause: Feel Incredible at Any ...
Dr. Anna talks about her upcoming book MenuPause and how you can use the six-day menu plans to overhaul your hormonal balance and allow your body to detoxify and heal....

Episode 49 - Inviting More Miracles Into Your L...
We can’t create miracles, but we can create the conditions to invite them into our lives this year. The biggest thing that each of us can do to create a...

Episode 48 - Boosting Your Metabolic Health at ...
JJ Virgin shares the key lifestyle changes that you need to make to boost your metabolism and live your best life at age 50 and beyond. Learn about the seven...

Episode 47 - Uric Acid Exposed
Dr. David Perlmutter reveals the exciting and challenging science behind a major health risk that almost no one is talking about. Find out how uric acid is contributing to some...