It’s hard to think yet about Spring…with the gloomy weather that many of us are experiencing…but the change in season will be here before we know it. Spring is my favorite season as it means the rebirth of all the beauty in my garden; the greening of the marsh and spectacular colors that are blossoming. I enjoy the increasing sunlight, earth’s re-awakening…and walking in my yard with grass under my bare feet.
And I look forward to Holy week and the sense of new beginnings that brings.
As the weather, light and landscaping changes around us…it is also a wonderful time for us to think about our own transformation.
How do we want to move forward?
Time to Shake Things Up!
I just completed my third Magic Menopause program and was so inspired by these beautiful women. Such a supportive tribe, each working hard to inspire and transform themselves as an individual, but also offering healing words of encouragement to those around them. Just wonderful to be a part of.
I’m honored at their feedback as well. Just a few of their transformations:
“I’ve lost nearly 5 kgs…I’m 67 years and so I’m thrilled. I’ve lost 3″ from waist, nearly 2” from hips, pH range 6.5-7.5, Ketones, small-medium…feeling more energetic. Brilliant program, Dr. Anna…my heart-felt thanks and gratitude to you and your lovely team, and of course, to the lovely ladies here who share so generously. Am loving all the classes…SO content rich.” [Margaret L]
“I am shocked. My fasting blood sugar was down 20 points this morning. Thank you Dr. Anna for creating this program. It’s the first program in about five years that has worked for me and is motivating me. And that is no small feat! Magic Menopause MIRACLE.” [KJ]
“15 lbs gone! I know it is not only the food, but the mood. I feel mounds of stress off of me…I feel my body healing everyday.” [Deb M]
“Onion layers have been peeled back but I know there are many more…It’s been a long, still ongoing, personal journey enhanced by a great community… It’s a myth: old dogs can learn new tricks. If you are discouraged, please don’t give up.” [Mary H]
“The weeks just keep adding more excitement, awareness, connections and surprise.” [Philippa A]
These women are truly, “shaking things up” in their lives.
And not only with what they eat…or WHEN they eat…but in so many more ways. They are managing their stress, improving their circadian rhythms and sleep quality, enjoying improved digestion and reduced toxicity, and focusing on positivity and connections.
Can’t wait to hear about their ongoing health progress.
And hoping you will consider “shaking things up” as well! A great first step is focusing on a Keto Green lifestyle! And with Spring around the corner, that’s easy! Think GREEN!
And while we’re all shaking things up…what a great time to share some of our fav Keto-Green shakes submitted by some of our recent Magic Menopause participants.
Spicy Green Chai Shake by Mary H.
Mighty Maca Berry Pinger Zinger Smoothie by Phillipa A.
My Fav Keto-Alkaline Shake by KJ
Yummy Power Green Matcha Smoothie by Donna S.
My Smoothie Recipe by Elizabeta B.
How do YOU shake things up?
Click here to get 11 of Dr Anna’s favorite recipes for menopause!