090: How To Bring The Spark Back To Your Sex Life with Julva w/ Dr. Anna Cabeca

In this episode of Couch Talk, I’m answering all your questions about Julva, my all-natural, anti-aging cream for your vulva. I get a lot of questions from women wanting to find a solution to their vaginal dryness and tightening. Women, maybe just like you, who are looking for something to help them bring that spark back to their sex life. 

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I’m talking about what Julva’s made of, how I discovered the key ingredients, and how long it took me to create the perfect formula. Julva is made to work for everyone, but if you’re finding it too much, I’ll explain the different ways you can incorporate it into your daily life.

The fantastic thing about Julva is that it’s not just for women - men can use it, too - and you can use it on other parts of your body. We’re also looking at what other pelvic floor exercises and exercisers you can use in combination with Julva to improve your overall vulva health.

Have you lost your sex drive as you’ve gotten older? Do you have vaginal dryness or pain? Are you ready to get back your libido and reignite your passion?


In This Episode:

  • How quickly Julva works to increase your sex drive
  • How you can gain back the elasticity in your vagina
  • What ingredients are in Julva
  • How you can use Julva in combination with pelvic floor exercises to improve vulva strength
  • How you can make your own lubricant
  • What you can do if your vulva is very sensitive
  • Whether or not men can use Julva
  • What other body parts you can use Julva on
  • What other pelvic muscle exercises you can use to improve your vulva health
  • How long it took to create Julva’s perfect formula


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“Menopause is mandatory but suffering is optional.” (7:32)

“Julva’s designed to work. Sometimes you need more, sometimes you need less. It’s individual.” (16:56)

“Julva does not contain estrogen. If you are on estrogen, you can certainly keep (and start) using Julva.” (18:06)

“You want perfect results for a long time so you can enjoy your pleasure, connection, and enjoy your body. The freedom that your body gives you.” (19:01)



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Dr. Anna Cabeca:
Hello everyone, and welcome to Couch Talk. Today we're going to talk about Julva, anti-aging cream for the vulva that I created out of necessity. And first, I just want to start with some testimonials. So we hear from so many women about how they have loved Julva and how well they've done with Julva. So I want to share with you what some of the women are saying from my list.

Dr. Anna Cabeca:
Let me tell you, these, you can read these on the website. Women are sharing this out loud. Veronica wrote, "I love this product. It has revitalized my sex life and I'm enjoying sex more and having more orgasms." She goes, "Yay ladies. If you want to have better and more sex, I highly recommend it. Whether you have a partner or whether you have to please yourself, this product will help you enjoy better sex and having a better orgasm."

Dr. Anna Cabeca:
Stephanie wrote that she had astounding results in two weeks, including stronger orgasms. She writes, "I am 61 and just four years post-menopausal, but recently resumed intercourse with my mate. After over eight years. When I was younger," she writes, "I never had problems, but now there was a pinching feeling. I talked to my healthcare provider, and your product was recommended. I started using Julva two weeks ago, and not even every night I actually fell asleep early two nights." And she said, "The changes have been fast and astounding. Urinary leakage is almost gone. Vaginal tissues are plumped and moist, and my orgasms which have always been great, are stronger and more complex. I have already recommended it to dozens of women, and look forward to a long and happy sex life. Thank you Dr. Anna." She writes.

Dr. Anna Cabeca:
And I want to read this one too. She says, this is from Shelly. And states she will never be without this again. She states, "I saw Julva on social media, read up on it, and read reviews. I thought, why not? I received it a few days later. There is a distinct difference in wetness, intimacy, orgasms, everything." She then writes, "I ran out in November, so I thought I try other less expensive options. Never again. Our intimate life plummeted." She reordered about 10 days ago. She goes, "I couldn't wait to apply it. We are both very satisfied."

Dr. Anna Cabeca:
So I love these words and the sharing of stories that has come from using Julva. And I know there are a lot of questions as well. So I thought I would go ahead and answer some of those questions that I commonly get for you guys, especially since we have our Julva sale, our summer of love Julva sale coming on right now. So I'm going to share with you some answers to the commonly asked questions.

Dr. Anna Cabeca:
So again first, a disclaimer as a physician, I'm Dr. Cabeca, I'm boarded in gynecology and obstetrics as well as integrative medicine and regenerative medicine and anti aging. And I want to let that with, these are recommendations and for information and education. So I hope that you find the information that I share educational, inspirational, and maybe some entertaining too. But I really want to inform you about your body. And something that just is not talked about enough. And again, now I'm bringing attention to it around the world. I'm really starting to see the conversation happening and the suffering stopping. So that's important.

Dr. Anna Cabeca:
So many women when it comes to our sexual health, and vaginal dryness, and loss of intimacy, we have lots of fears around it. We have lots of fears. And it could be many reasons that we lose intimacy, including pain, discomfort. Certainly if you have pain, every time you have sex or do something, why would you want to? And that's an important thing to realize. No more powering through ladies. Let's fix the reason for the discomfort to begin with.

Dr. Anna Cabeca:
And specifically, as a gynecologist I saw this over and over again. Women just suffering and getting worse, not better over time. And I needed to find something natural, clean, and effective that works quickly. So are you guys ready to get your feminine sexy back with some libido, intimacy, pleasure, connection, pain-free sex?

Dr. Anna Cabeca:
I will say that I tell you, when I've worked with couples that have been married for even decades and that they're able to reconnect on this intimate level, it just let me tell you, puts the skip in their step and the twinkle in their eye, and I love it.

Dr. Anna Cabeca:
Sexual health though, there's several areas of sexual health. And today I'm really going to talk more on the physical and hormonal aspects. But as in my sexual CPR program, which you guys can listen to my health doctor, my sex drive has no posts webinar at dranna.com/sexualcpr. You can definitely get some more information and some help on the relational side of things as well as many of these other areas that we talk about.

Dr. Anna Cabeca:
But I want to hit specifically on some of these questions. And here's one that came in from Kim. She said, "I'm post-menopause and cannot have intercourse due to vaginal pain from dryness. I am heartbroken to lose that intimacy with my husband." Theresa wrote, "I am concerned about incontinence. Should I use the Julva combination with Kegel exercises? Do Kegels really help?"

Dr. Anna Cabeca:
Theresa, Absolutely they do. Absolutely. And Sherry wrote, "I'm 68 and the vaginal cream's estradiols just don't work." Well Julva, it's worth the try. Sherry, that's what I want to say and let you guys know that there's a 60 day money back, no questions asked guarantee.

Dr. Anna Cabeca:
And even women that have been using Julva even had some results. Maybe it took a little bit longer to have super results. But hang in there too if you're not seeing a quick change. Sometimes it takes time, and sometimes it happens very quickly. So hang in there Sherry.

Dr. Anna Cabeca:
And Keith wrote, "Hey, can it help with the libido as well?" Certainly. When we increase intimacy, increase pleasure, that increases oxytocin. And of course there are many fears that come up. So we don't want to lose this ability to have intimacy. I mean again, it's a reason that we stay connected and we can have happy, healthy, long marriages, right?

Dr. Anna Cabeca:
So there are definite hormonal changes that happen in the peri and post-menopause that we have our normal changes of estrogen, progesterone, testosterone and DHEA. I have that great ebook, what's happening to my hormones that you can get at dranna.com/hormones, but just go to dranna.com or email my team. And certainly read my book The Hormone Fix right here, The Hormone Fix, which also has a vaginal health chapter in it, and it takes more than hormones to fix your hormones. But I want to emphasize that other things change besides hormones. The vaginal [H, which is normally acidic, becomes a little bit more alkaline. Then there's a decline in the elasticity of the mucus membrane. So it used to be can be really elastic, like a balloon, a stretchy balloon. Or more like a tube as we lose that elasticity. So we want to gain that back, and yes we can. And also, the bacteria in the vagina changes as well. We don't want that.

Dr. Anna Cabeca:
So it's normal to have hormonal changes as we age, but we're living a lot longer. It doesn't mean it's because it's normal that we have to sever, right? Menopause is mandatory, but suffering is optional. And men and women do these transitions differently, right? We are different. We are different people. And it's not just about hormones, right? Because then everyone on thyroid hormone would be thin. Everyone on testosterone would be horny. But that's just not the case.

Dr. Anna Cabeca:
But I tell you, intimacy, connection and communication. Communication is really key. And that's one thing I always like to say is that foreplay is so important and it starts in the morning, right? What's that way that you know that you're connected, cared about, loved, and respected? That's one way to really communicate it.

Dr. Anna Cabeca:
So this is a visual. If you're looking on YouTube or listening on my podcast, check out our YouTube channel because I've got some great visuals. But just to show you some changes in the uterus and ovaries and vagina that happens just from aging. So we do see that thinning. Less blood supply, right? Less secretions, less moisture, less muscle, less strength. So we see that, but it doesn't have to be this way.

Dr. Anna Cabeca:
Now I created Julva because in my practice, and I write about this in my blogs certainly, is that I saw so many women that were really struggling and wanted a natural solution. Wanted something natural that they could use themselves and feel better with that didn't have additives, didn't have GMO, didn't have estrogen in it. And that of course, we look for things that are all natural and ideally gluten free, and toxin tree.

Dr. Anna Cabeca:
I put together ingredients that I'd used throughout my years of practice as a gynecologist and as a women's health specialist, as well as a woman, a mom, and someone who's delivered four babies, and had been married, and been divorced. I recognize a need for natural solutions. Need I say more, right?

Dr. Anna Cabeca:
Also young women who have been on birth control pills or a PCOS and have young symptoms early that don't necessarily need a prescription, right? That there's some natural options for them too as they get to the underlying root issues that's causing discomfort.

Dr. Anna Cabeca:
So I created Julva with ingredients that soothes because irritation, discomfort, frequent infections, or something that's very disconcerting and uncomfortable. Let's just say it. It's the pets.

Dr. Anna Cabeca:
So I put in shea butter, emu oil, and coconut oil. These I've used as great emollients, and they each have owned beautiful natural properties. Shea butter iso good and moisturizing. Even oil really helps the absorption of the ingredients. And coconut oil has this natural abilities to fight yeast and just be a perfectly neutral skin ingredient, skin care ingredient that's very, very soothing.

Dr. Anna Cabeca:
And Julva also rebuilds. I use the alpine rose stem cells, so the stem cells from the plant of the alpine rose that grows in the Swiss Alps in these harsh conditions. And it's really just a beautiful example of womanhood, right? Blossoming in the harsh conditions that we face on a daily basis, but yet coming up looking like and smelling like a rose, right?

Dr. Anna Cabeca:
So these plant stem cells have incredible rejuvenating properties and nourishing properties, as well as some antiviral properties that research has shown that they have. So I put this in for its cosmetic benefit as well.

Dr. Anna Cabeca:
And then I added in DHEA. DHEA is a beautiful, natural substance that's native to all of us, right? Our adrenal glands produce DHEA and another ingredient, vitamin E. Because vitamin E again is so emollient and good for the skin.

Dr. Anna Cabeca:
So it really helps to condition and help to decrease some of those symptoms that we're experiencing. And with Kegel exercises, with pelvic floor exercises, we get an increase in strength, and elasticity, and pleasure, and sensation with using Julva and pelvic floor exercises together as well as the decrease in urinary leakage that we heard about in a testimonial.

Dr. Anna Cabeca:
So there's many research, and I put this in my website looking at DHEA and looking at the changes, how that can help with the pelvic floor. Again, with pelvic floor exercises, we can see significant improvements in so many of the symptoms that we experience. And it's really nice to see that some of the research that was done on DHEA used intra-vaginally, and there's a billable prescription DHEA intra-vaginal, that was found to increase bone mineral density and to stimulate vaginal maturation without effecting the endometrium. That's the lining of the uterus, and improving wellbeing and libido with no negative side effects.

Dr. Anna Cabeca:
So that's really huge. Plus the looking at DHEA in looking at it in breast cancer, in animal models, it was shown to inhibit breast cancer development and growth, and to stimulate bone formation yet again.

Dr. Anna Cabeca:
So I felt safe using it in my patients who have had breast cancer. And certainly if you've had breast cancer, you need to talk with your gynecologist about what options are available for you, and your oncologist certainly to look at those options. So I always get that question about Julva and breast cancer, and I wrote a whole blog on that too, as well as some beautiful testimonials of women that have suffered like maybe many of you with breast cancer as well.

Dr. Anna Cabeca:
So we were also thrilled to know that someone oncologists at Sloan Kettering have been recommending Julva to their patients too and seeing great results. Again, look at the testimonials at our website.

Dr. Anna Cabeca:
There's other things you can use too, to help with vaginal health. Like coconut oil, ghee. Definitely make sure you're getting a keto green diet with healthy fats and healthy omegas. You can make your own lubricant as well with a liquid coconut oil. I use a fractionated coconut oil and make it 50/50 with a liquid organic or pure aloe vera gel. You can blend that up yourself or just combine it, shake it into a bottle. Because if you get them both liquid. And add your favorite essential oils to that. It's a great thing that you can add.

Dr. Anna Cabeca:
So I get the question about how I should apply Julva all the time, and I recommend just apply it with your fingers, massage it in clitoris to anus. Keep it an all that tissue. If you're sensitive, just stop for three days. Use it on the inner thighs or the mons pubis just above your clitoris. And then gradually worked down to the sensitive tissue.

Dr. Anna Cabeca:
Julva is designed to work. If you've ever had a facial peel or started a new skincare product and see some redness and peeling initially, that's like get out, get up, let the new come in, right? So if you are having irritation, just slow down. This is designed to work, but just start back half the dose and just slower on the outer labia or the inner thighs. And then gradually work your way closer to the labia and the perineum, clitoris to anus. Right on the vulva area, it works perfectly.

Dr. Anna Cabeca:
A half of an mL is a perfect dose, and that's approximately a pea size. That's a pea size. And so when I get the questions too, where is the vulva? So the vulva or the lips, our lower lips essentially. The lower lips and the in between the lower lips, the opening to our vaginal orifices.

Dr. Anna Cabeca:
And then always get the question the guarantee. And I mention that, that we have a 60 day no questions asked, money back guarantee. And if you're having any questions at any time, email team@drannacabeca.com.

Dr. Anna Cabeca:
And what about men? Can they use Julva? I do have many testimonials of men using it on the testicles are on the penis, and they've been doing well with it. But also, just if you're worried about your man getting some on him, it does absorb really quickly. I would say if you apply it five to 10 minutes, it's going to be pretty much the majority of it will be absorbed. But again, men need 10 times as much DHEA as women, and the plant stem cells are fine. We use that in men's cosmetics too, as well as emu oil, coconut oil, shea butter, all the ingredients are safe for men and safe for women.

Dr. Anna Cabeca:
And I get the question too, "Should I stop my estrogen? Should I stop my medication?" No, don't discontinue. It is designed to work with and complement your current regimen. Another thing, because we go sometimes from the Sahara to the Amazon, so the dry desert to the lush rainforest. In those cases, we can get a flourish of some yeast because it's dormant. It didn't because the yeast infection, but if you get moisture, moisture, moisture. Then there's yeast there. It will start to flourish.

Dr. Anna Cabeca:
So again, stop the Julva for three days. Use a topical antifungal cream. You can use Monistat, you can use terconazole. You can get a prescription for Diflucan, something like that. Or a boric acid solution works or just keep the area dry, and then start back at again half the dose, so too much too soon. Right? This is again, Julva was designed to work. Sometimes you need a lot less.

Dr. Anna Cabeca:
And for some women, one tube of Julva is a two month supply. But for some women it lasts three months or four months. And some need more and it will last one month.

Dr. Anna Cabeca:
So it's individual. Individual. Let the tissue heal before you aren't using Julva again because you want to again use it on the, if you are irritated, you can use it on the inner thighs or the lower mons pubis area. So the hairline. And that's a good way to work on it.

Dr. Anna Cabeca:
Just a little bonus is that I put some on my lips too to reduce those fine lines and wrinkles. So you could put some here and then upper lips, lower lips, right? Do that. I run some comparisons looking at Julva and other lubricants and vaginal moisturizing creams, and I think it's really important to look at the ingredients. We don't want petroleum based products. We don't want things with aspartame. We don't want things that gunk up and dry up in the middle of intercourse either. So being conscientious of what you're using really does make a difference because some of those ingredients are hormone disruptors and can cause more problems.

Dr. Anna Cabeca:
And additionally, Julva does not contain estrogen. If you are on estrogen, you can certainly keep using it. And I do always recommend Kegel exercises. You can use balls associated with that. So they are LELO balls, they're jade eggs, they're pelvic muscle exercisers that are all options to use.

Dr. Anna Cabeca:
So I get questions about the cost all the time. It is 69.95 for a 60 day supply, a tube of Julva. And it lasts longer for some initially. I typically say it will last you two months. But if you're not getting results, increase the dosage. And if once you get to that therapeutic level where you're like, "This is awesome, I feel great." Then you can wean off a little bit and maybe do it five days a week or three days a week. That could be a difference.

Dr. Anna Cabeca:
So we can see those changes. You can see those changes and then maintain it so that you have perfect results for a long time. So you can enjoy your pleasure, enjoy the connection, and enjoy your body, the freedom that your body gives you. Urinary incontinence, urinary leakage can because so much disruption for individuals over time. And we don't want any of that.

Dr. Anna Cabeca:
So I wanted to share that with you and answer your most common questions. And always email my community. You can email me Dr. Anna, drannacabeca.com, or team@drannacabeca.com and check out our Julva sale this month.

Dr. Anna Cabeca:
So I'm excited. I'm excited for that sale. And again, all the testimonials that we get on Julva, and I hope I've answered some of your most frequently asked questions about Julva. It's certainly something that I know physicians are recommending around the country now.

Dr. Anna Cabeca:
I was just at the Institute of Functional Medicine Medical Conference and met hundreds of physicians that have been recommending my product, have recommended and seeing amazing results or have heard about my product and were now so excited to take samples for them, samples for their patients. Yup, it's a good thing. And again, money back guarantee.

Dr. Anna Cabeca:
So it's been a pleasure to bring this to you to see this product. Just help so many people around the world, so many couples, so many women. And see the results that we're getting with this very natural solution and combination. It took me three years to create Julva. I took me three years of scientific back and forth, customizing, formulating, and reformulating, and researching to make the perfect combination that felt good, smelt good, is as natural as can be. There's no fragrances in there, and it's natural ingredients combined. So I look to your results and I can't wait to hear your testimonial.

Dr. Anna Cabeca:
So I know women who are suffering. So I want you to share this Couch talk with friends that you know that may not be having the conversation or really need to. Or just get a community together. When we start having a conversation about especially about things we're uncomfortable talking about. I know, I know. I am too sometimes. But I do because it's so important. And then when you see healing occur, you're just off the chart lit up about it.

Dr. Anna Cabeca:
So share this message, and please review my podcast. Those reviews are amazing. I thank you for them, and I will see you next week on Couch Talk. 

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Dr. Anna Cabeca

Dr. Anna Cabeca

Certified OB/GYN, Anti-Aging and Integrative Medicine expert and founder of The Girlfriend Doctor. During Dr. Anna’s health journey, she turned to research to create products to help thousands of women through menopause, hormones, and sexual health. She is the author of best-selling The Hormone Fix, and Keto-Green 16 and MenuPause.

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