161: How to Eat Your Way to a Healthier Menopause w/ Dr. Liz Lipski

Eat your way to a healthier menopause. I’m joined by Dr. Liz Lipski, my dear girlfriend who shares her insight into gut health, especially for post-menopausal women. We all know by now that the gut is the gateway to our overall health, so when we figure out what foods we can and can’t eat, and what type of diet we thrive on, our health will be unstoppable.

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Key Takeaways

Foods You Should Eat for Estrogen Balance

  • Broccoli
  • Cabbage
  • Brussel Sprouts
  • Kale
  • Kohlrabi
  • Mustard Greens

About Dr. Liz Lipski

Prof. Liz Lipski, Ph.D., CNS, FACN, IFMCP, BCHN, LDN is Professor and the Director of the Academic Development for the graduate programs in Clinical Nutrition at the Maryland University of Integrative Health, the owner of the Innovative Healing Academy, and the author of Digestive Wellness, now in its 5th edition.

Dr. Lipski holds a Ph.D. in Clinical Nutrition, is a Fellow of the American College of Nutrition (FACN), and holds two board certifications in clinical nutrition (CNS, and BCHN) and one in functional medicine (IFMCP). She is on faculty for The Institute for Functional Medicine, and the Metabolic Medicine Institute fellowship program. She is on the board for

the American Nutrition Association, and advisory boards for the Certified International Health Coaches, and the Autism Hope Alliance.

Dr. Lipski has been a co-author in peer-reviewed papers and is the author of several books: Digestive Wellness, Digestive Wellness for Children, and Leaky Gut Syndrome, and a video course The Art of Digestive Wellness.

After 30 years of clinical practice, she devotes her time to teaching, writing, and building the field of personalized nutrition.

Heal Your Gut for a Healthy Menopause

Dr. Liz Lipski devotes her life to finding innovative and sustainable ways to heal your gut microbiome. She shares how quickly you can change your gut health. It might surprise you to learn you can start feeling improvements in around 24 hours!

Did you know that the word diet doesn’t have to refer to food restriction for weight loss? We’re changing the approach to the diet to focus on the type of food and eating habits that help YOU thrive. Liz explains why more and more people are turning to restrictive diets, such as gluten-free, vegan, Keto, or carnivore instead of getting to the root of their health problems.

Especially for post-menopausal women, we need to focus on eating estrogen-balancing foods. Liz shares some of the best foods for this, including broccoli, cabbage, and kale, so make sure you’re loading your plates with these.

You also might have noticed, as you age, that you can no longer tolerate some foods like you used to. Liz explains how this could be a histamine intolerance that’s showing up in your body through bloating or other uncomfortable symptoms.

Discover the FODMAP Diet

One way that Liz encourages you to explore your food sensitivities and intolerances is to follow the FODMAP diet. This is an elimination diet that can indicate what foods you should avoid. One thing we both know is that when we put our patients on the FODMAP diet, their symptoms improve dramatically in a short period of time.

Most people have a diet that’s very high in processed foods. We should all endeavor to be more mindful of what we eat and try to stick to more natural, whole foods. Trust me, when you find the diet that’s right for your body, you will thrive on it!

Liz also explains the second part to having a healthy gut: making time for yourself and keeping your stress levels in check. When we prioritize our own mental health and well-being, we’re better able to keep our guts healthy. Putting ourselves first also gives us more energy to assist others. 

How do you fill your own bucket? What activities do you find gives you more energy? As always, you can ask me anything and let me hear your thoughts in the comments below. If you have questions, email team@drannacabeca.com.


In This Episode

  • How quickly we can change our gut microbiome [7:45]
  • Why more people are turning to restrictive diets [15:45]
  • What foods are the most helpful for estrogen balance [20:35]
  • How a histamine intolerance can show up as belly bloat [29:15]
  • What the low FODMAP diet is [32:30]
  • What happens to our body when we eat a diet high in processed foods [36:00]
  • What the power of the right diet for your body is [43:30]



“For me, digestion is really this river of life. Just like any river, it can get slowed down, sluggish, not work very well, and dried up, or it can flood. We don’t want either of those things to happen. We just want this to be working really well.” [11:07]

“Especially for women, cabbage family foods are so protective for breast cancer and other hormone-dependent cancers.” [22:20]

“I think it’s just interesting to know what those trigger foods are for us and be aware of it. Then you can make a choice.” [40:32]

“Our body is always trying to tell us and if we slow down enough, it will give us wisdom.” [54:45]


Resources Mentioned

Take The Digestive Health Appraisal Questionnaire

Learn About Maryland University of Integrative Health

Enroll in The Art of Digestive Wellness

Find Dr. Liz Lipski Online

Follow Dr. Liz Lipski on Facebook | Twitter | LinkedIn | YouTube

Join the KetoGreen Community on Facebook

Buy Keto-Green 16

Follow Dr. Anna on Facebook | Instagram | Twitter


Related Episodes

148: Healing Your Gut Issues With Enzymes w/ Steven Wright 

153: Feeling Fit and Fabulous After Fifty w/ Debra Atkinson 

150: Magic Menopause w/ Dr. Anna Cabeca

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Dr. Anna Cabeca

Dr. Anna Cabeca

Certified OB/GYN, Anti-Aging and Integrative Medicine expert and founder of The Girlfriend Doctor. During Dr. Anna’s health journey, she turned to research to create products to help thousands of women through menopause, hormones, and sexual health. She is the author of best-selling The Hormone Fix, and Keto-Green 16 and MenuPause.

Learn more about my scientific advisory board.