129: Improving Your Immune System Starting Now w/ Dr. Anna Cabeca

The single most important thing you can do to protect your health right now during this international health crisis is to wash your hands. The next is to boost your immunity. In this episode of The Girlfriend Doctor, I’m talking about how you can improve your immune system starting today by following my tips.

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About Boosting Your Immunity

Do you realize how important it is to wash your hands regularly, especially during an outbreak such as COVID-19? I’m going to tell you a story of an Austrian doctor who faced ridicule over the concept a few centuries ago. Once doctors finally agreed with him, there was a significant decrease in medical and labor deaths.

I cannot stress enough how vital it is for you to be washing your hands right now. Stop spreading this disease. Help keep our healthcare system under control.

We have a responsibility to boost our own immune system. It’s not just the foods we put in our bodies, it’s also the chemicals we use around us and the air we breathe. Take some time to examine the ingredients in the products you use on a regular basis.

I explain how we can start removing harmful substances from our system. By replacing the chemical cleaning products we use regularly with more natural ones, we can start making a huge difference. Also, by cleaning our fruits and vegetables well, we’ll start reducing how much pesticides we ingest.

Finally, I’m talking about how you can start improving your immune system by making simple changes to your diet and lifestyle. And you can start today! Sharing your love, increasing your Oxytocin, and taking some of my Mighty Maca supplements are great ways to start. 

I also invite you to pre-order Keto-Green 16. We’ll be following my plan live and it’s a wonderful way to improve your immune system.

I challenge you to watch the sunrise and sunset every single day for the next 7 days to reset your circadian rhythm! How can you be more loving today? Ask me anything and let me hear your thoughts in the comments below. If you have questions, email team@drannacabeca.com 

In This Episode:

  • What happens when people don’t wash their hands
  • What our responsibility in boosting our immunity is
  • How we can remove harmful substances from our system
  • What you can do, starting today, to improve your immune system

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“We need to lead. We need to lead with love and kindness and compassion. And fortify our system.” (7:54)

“How can I improve my lifestyle and my nutrition and nourish my body so that I am the strongest freaking body that I can absolutely be.” (10:45)

“We are not succumbing to a plague. We are going to flourish. With love, some fun, and as we fortify our body… you guys have this. You got this. We’re in this together. We’re not alone.” (17:22)



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Dr. Anna:
Hello, my beloved community. Today, what I'm going to talk about with you is about boosting your immunity. I'm going to tell you a story about a historian that three keywords drove him to the insane asylum and I'm going to talk about the plague we're facing today, the plague, is it really about the coronavirus or is this plague caused by industry, pharmaceuticals and thousands, tens of thousands of harmful chemicals that we are exposed to in our environment, and share with you a very important verse that exemplifies what we can do to build our immune system to be the healthiest, most loving, most joyful person that we can be. You remember, there was a time when I just wanted to die. I wanted to shut my eyes and never wake up again. I was sick and depressed and hurting physically, emotionally, spiritually, and relationally.

Dr. Anna:
So let's get started. Hey everyone. I'm Dr. Anna Cabeca. I am the girlfriend doctor. It is absolutely my mission and my passion to help each and every one of you live better lives no matter what stage of life you're in, but especially in the perimenopause. So welcome to The Girlfriend Doctor Podcast. It is an intimate place for intimate, honest conversation and I am here for you. You can ask me anything. So first I want to share with you, I woke up thinking about this morning as an obstetrician, a gynecologist, and an avid reader. I remembered loud and clear the story of a Hungarian physician, Hungarian-born physician trained in Austria named Ignaz Philipp Semmelweis, and this is now my gosh, 200 years... He was born 200 years ago and born in 1818. When he was 29 years old, he was the chief resident in the labor and delivery in one of the clinics in Vienna, Austria.

Dr. Anna:
Now there was some discrimination against him because he was not Austrian, he was Hungarian, he was Jewish and he was opinionated and so he had a rough road. But one thing he was trained in is obstetrics and gynecology as a default residency plan for him and something that was very disturbing to him. His heart was touched by something called Puerperal fever or childbed fever. Childbed fever, which was the leading cause of maternal mortality and it ravaged women. What he noticed, however, was that the academic institution with the physicians and the residents had over three times greater incidents of childbed fever and maternal mortality than a second clinic, which was only managed by nurse-midwives.

Dr. Anna:
So even women knew it and they said that they would much prefer to be delivered by the midwives. Of course, that hurt my heart as an obstetrician and gynecologist, but what was happening? Why was there three times greater? Ignaz, Dr. Semmelweis was the first to look at this and bring it up and he discovered, he made a connection between the physicians, the doctors coming from the autopsy lab to deliver babies and that transmitted bacteria we now know as strep A causing sepsis and then maternal mortality and death. They did not know about bacteria at the time. Pasteur came much later. They did not know about antibiotics.

Dr. Anna:
So Ignaz Philipp Semmelweis said three words that raised cane in the entire Austrian medical system that got him ostracized, ridiculed, and basically kicked out. You know what those three words were? Wash your hands. That's what he said. Just wash your hands. You noted soap and water was not enough, but using a chlorine substance would work. Again, they didn't realize the small bacteria at that time was causing the infection. He died a tragic death, abused, alone in an insane asylum. I would have gone crazy too if I knew how to help so many women. When he instituted that just in his rounds, in his clinics and with his residents, death rate improved three to 10 fold. So that was such a significant improvement. He knew he was onto something.

Dr. Anna:
To have everyone else shut their eyes to it, turn a blind eye and say, "You are telling me, a superior physician, that my hands are dirty? What are you telling me?" Right? So where's the dirty medicine coming from? They were insulted. They were ignorant. It wasn't until many, many years later when the work of Louis Pasteur and Dr. Lister, hence Listerine, came to light and this aseptic technique came in and the hand washing and the sterilization of everything became really norm and mandatory. Then Ignaz Philipp Semmelweis has since been recognized as the impetus to that discovery and but what a tragic life.

Dr. Anna:
So what are we saying right now as physicians? We're saying wash your hands, right? We're saying more than that. We're saying strengthen your immune system. We're saying the answer is not in a vaccine. We know that. The statistics, the research, you all, we know that the answer is not in a vaccine. What is hurting us now? Fear, social isolation and misinformation and multiple chemicals and toxins that we're exposed to on a daily basis. So where is this plague coming from? Because we're going to expose to virus after virus after virus, right? That's just the course of nature and hasn't changed for millennia.

Dr. Anna:
But what has changed over the last century are hundreds of thousands of toxic chemicals brought into our bodies and not just our adult bodies, right? Through the umbilical cord blood, there's over 222 known toxic chemicals that our baby gets to grow up in. Then they're exposed to the environment also in an experimental state because none of these have been tested generationally. Yet we know something like DDT is passed down multiple generations. So what are our next steps? What are we able to do? Is the plague pharmaceutical companies, is the plague industry, is the plague poor leadership? I mean is the plague whatever? But what is our responsibility?

Dr. Anna:
Our responsibility is to be our physician, our healer, to be intuitive and on point in taking care of ourselves, and no one will do it better than you, for yourself and for those you love. I know I've raised up... I've worked with many of you, my magic menopause community and interacted with us patients and clients and you are an amazing group of women and men that are leaders. Now we need to, even more than ever, we need to lead. We need to lead with love and kindness and compassion and fortify our system.

Dr. Anna:
In 1st Corinthians, I think it's chapter 16, the verse reads, our body is the temple of our spirit. But actually, if we go back to the original of the word temple, it's more like a cathedral. Our body is the cathedral of our spirit. Can you just feel that? The ornateness, the intricacies, the attention to detail. Attention to detail, let's talk about that, right? Attention to detail in our creation. Our body is just fabulous. Now, how is our foundation right now? What do we need to do to clean up our foundation? In my blog, I've written about how to boost your immune system. How do I avoid getting sick and boost immunity? So I've written that blog there.

Dr. Anna:
I've also been in Facebook lives and I have recently interviewed Dr. Miriam [Rahav 00:08:53] in New York City and her integrative practice there. She's an MD physician working on the front lines and helping those with coronavirus in a very science-based and integrative approach with amazing success and amazing heart. That is my live number 22 which you can see on YouTube or in my Keto Green community page on Facebook, which if you haven't joined, you all join that. So we have to fortify, strengthen this cathedral, right? This cathedral that we live in and that we should thrive in and with that, remove harmful substances first, right?

Dr. Anna:
Sometimes it's about saying no versus saying yes. How are we removing harmful substances from our body, from our system, from our environment, from our lives? Now we've added some chlorine there. Do you know that's going to suck up some iodine? Incorporating iodine-rich foods, that's important. Iodine rich foods, seaweed, sushi, you can supplement with small doses of iodine. If you have Hashimoto's, you have to be cautious, but you could still eat some sushi and seaweed to help because we're going to need iodine to replenish and support our thyroid because chlorine can really affect us and affect our hormones in that way. So we want to fix that.

Dr. Anna:
Detoxification, right? Getting out the junk, no sugars, and that's toxic. That's a plague. Sugar is a plague. Let's call it out for what it is. Processed food with chemicals and other antibiotics and GMOs, right? That's a plague on our system. That is killing us. Who is succumbing? Those of us with weakened immune systems are most at risk. So the question shouldn't be, well, what vaccine do I need so that I can keep living a sick lifestyle? It should be how can I improve my lifestyle so and my nutrition and nourish my body so that I am the strongest freaking body that I can absolutely be? Yes. I said freaking. Oh wow. I've been in quarantine to you all.

Dr. Anna:
So we're going to detox, remove the chemicals, right? Chapter six of my book, The Hormone Fix. Then we're going to get Keto Green really quickly. Keto Green 16 comes out on May 5. A 16-day plan, super popular, super effective. We've been doing clinical trials on it. We've had amazing, amazing results. Improvements in hemoglobin A1C, increasing insulin sensitivity, decreasing diabetes, decreasing risks for inflammation and other inflammatory diseases, right? That's a good thing. Better than a vaccine. That's critical. We're going to do that with our Keto Green way of life, not just about what we eat, but how we live. Keto Green 16, we'd be doing it live together. If you join me in my lives, we're going to keep doing it live together and you're not alone. You're not alone, right?

Dr. Anna:
Creating community. That's the second, third. Whatever [inaudible 00:11:52] at. Get Keto Green and create community. Love, love. What did you do yesterday where you felt love and acted lovingly? When did you feel love yesterday and how did you love yesterday? Can you ask yourself that question? Ask yourself today, how can I be more loving today and receive love too? I know many people sometimes feel like there's that negative Nelly in our brain and we don't feel, we don't receive love, we don't receive compliments. Receive that. Receive that. That establishes a healthy community and it is what you are called and designed to do. So receiving and giving love.

Dr. Anna:
Number four, get a good night's sleep. Oh my gosh, your body is so amazing. It is designed to restore itself on its own. Give it a good night's sleep. Take an extra shot of Mighty Maca Plus before you go to bed and let that work decrease, helping your body support its natural inflammatory response. Those 30 superfoods in Mighty Maca Plus and we're talking about Maca to support your adrenals, to help your immune system, adaptogenic from the Highlands of Peru. They took it as part of their regimen too for altitude sickness, right? Then you have the cocoa leaves. We don't have that in Mighty Maca Plus though.

Dr. Anna:
All right. But turmeric, quercetin, resveratrol, green tea extract, you're hearing all of that in the news, right? They're all in Mighty Maca Plus. Cat's claw herb, hey, that's in Mighty Maca too because I learned about it when I was in Peru. A combination of other really powerful ingredients that are in there to support your body. I mean, everyone should be taking at least two scoops a day. The first sign of illness, four to six scoops, okay? We can do that and we can do that safely. So make sure you're stocked up. So you're going to get a good night's sleep. Wake restored. I'm going to add like fifth one, take your Mighty Maca. So important to get a good night's sleep.

Dr. Anna:
Magnesium, very, very important. It also is important for our immune function, so better brain and sleep formula, a scoop of magnesium. Melatonin, there's been evidence to say that that can improve our immunity. Just it will help you get a good night's sleep and that in of itself will improve your immunity. Then additional for sleep, Pure Balance, PPR cream can also help for sleep for those of us over 50, both men and women, a little bit for men.

Dr. Anna:
All right, the sixth thing you can do is get outside every day. Get outside and take a walk and catch those sunrises and sunsets. Catch those sunrises and sunsets. Dr. Kellyann in a panel with Dr. David Perlmutter, William Davis, Naomi Whittel. She asked us what our calls to action were. So I gave her audience the challenge of catching the sunrise and catching the sunset. That we'll reset circadian rhythm so fast that is natural, God's natural phototherapy to help support you and trigger those hormones to help us rest, relax, and sleep. So challenge you for seven days. Sunrise, sunset. Join me in Keto Green community or tag me on my page or in the group and let me know how you're doing. Okay. Sunrise, sunset, seven days, seven days challenge.

Dr. Anna:
Then supplement wise, Pure Snooze, vitamin D, right? Well, we talked about Pure Snooze for melatonin at bedtime. Let's get your vitamin D levels up to optimum, 50 to 80, we want them up there. My vitamin D3, K2 combination is the best available. It is 10,000 iu. So it's to get you up to an appropriate level quickly and it's a good combination of D3, K2, which should always be taken together. So in my blog, I write it about more detail. [Chuprazil 00:15:48] nuts a day. Why? Because of the selenium. Selenium supports your immune system. Selenium is so powerful and it has been shown to be an adjuvant therapy for viral and bacterial infections. Pretty good, right? That's huge. That's super important. We can do it by Chuprazil nuts a day. I love that. That's easy.

Dr. Anna:
Zinc. zinc and vitamin C. you've heard me say that colloidal silver in your nose, Dr. Rahav says that before she sees her patients. They're putting colloidal silver on their nose, on their eyes. You can do ice spray too, but you can just rub around your eyes and into your nose and adds that extra barrier of protection to viruses and bacteria. Again, that was day 22 of my daily lives on my Facebook and YouTube channel. So other things you can do to help detoxify. There's so many things I talked about going out, walking in nature, challenging, but check, test on gas. If stress is getting to you, you're going to be acidic. Check your urine pH, right? Check your urine pH, check your ketones.

Dr. Anna:
If there was any time it is now to get Keto Green, get into ketosis, improve that insulin sensitivity, check your pH, get alkaline. Get alkaline and that is a vital sign. Check your urine pH. Get alkaline. Let me help support you. Join me in my lives. Let's continue to create the community and we are not succumbing to a plague. We are going to flourish with love, some fun, right? As we fortify our body, you guys have this, you got this, and we're in this together. We're not alone. One of the most damaging things that we know that can affect our immune system is isolation. What conquers that? Oxytocin. All right, my community, sending you love. I'm here for you and I'm so happy to be your girlfriend, doctor. Bye. Till next time. Be sure to share this episode and leave your review. I love the testimonials and the hearts I hear all the time. Next, right step, get fortified. You got this. You are your own best physician.

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Dr. Anna Cabeca

Dr. Anna Cabeca

Certified OB/GYN, Anti-Aging and Integrative Medicine expert and founder of The Girlfriend Doctor. During Dr. Anna’s health journey, she turned to research to create products to help thousands of women through menopause, hormones, and sexual health. She is the author of best-selling The Hormone Fix, and Keto-Green 16 and MenuPause.

Learn more about my scientific advisory board.