Raising your energetic vibration is something that all women should prioritize throughout their lives. Even if this is something you’ve never thought about before, this episode with Jay and Monica Campbell will enlighten you to the benefits of a high vibe life and give you insight into how to achieve one for yourself.
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Key Takeaways
How to raise your vibration:
- Lower your insulin signal
- Build muscle
- Increase your cardiovascular health/heart rate
- Understand the balance between sound body and sound mind
About Jay and Monica Campbell
A former champion men’s physique competitor and current 4x international best selling author in the optimized health care space, Jay Campbell is a global thought leader on hormones, biohacking, fat loss, and higher consciousness.
Jay is a NO-nonsense, authentic, and fully transparent guy (in a day and age when being hyper-masculine is frowned on), and FEARLESS in his servant mission of leading humanity towards full-spectrum optimization of the body-mind, heart, and soul.
Since returning from 12 days in The Sacred Valley of Peru, he's experienced a seismic energetic shift manifesting in a profound new focus of raising the collective vibration of humanity so we reach planetary consciousness aka unconditional love.
Monica Campbell is the author of Cracking the Fountain of Youth Code: A Woman’s Guide to Being Healthier, Happier, and Empowered for Life. She manifested her perfect love and relationship with Jay into her life and now helps bring fulfillment into other women’s lives.
Choosing the Best Version of Yourself
What I loved the most about this conversation with Jay and Monica Campbell is Monica’s complete openness about her first marriage and how she raised her own energetic vibration to find Jay.
Monica talks about how when her first marriage ended, she turned to a party lifestyle. She thought this would fulfill her, but ultimately, it didn’t, leaving her feeling like something was missing for her.
She decided to honor who she truly was inside by learning more about her inner Monica. She knew what qualities she wanted to embody to be the best version of herself and Monica decided to embody them.
Jay adds some thoughts regarding how repressed and blocked emotions can impact your overall health. Because blocked emotions can lead to long-term illness, Jay is very intentional about helping others raise their energetic vibration.
Raise Your Vibration to Optimize Your Love Creation!
Part of this is choosing who you want to be. Jay and Monica talk about how you can intentionally choose the type of person you want to be. And as long as this person is in line with your high vibration being, you will thrive.
So how do you raise your vibration? Jay takes us through four ways to start. Lowering your blood insulin level is very important, as is improving your cardiovascular health. He also talks about why building your muscular strength is so important.
Finally, Jay provides some insight into understanding the balance you need to achieve between your strong body and your strong mind. He explains that when you work your spiritual and emotional muscles, you raise your energetic vibration.
What steps are you taking to raise your energetic vibration? How can you be more present and honoring to yourself? As always, you can ask me anything and let me hear your thoughts in the comments below. If you have questions, email team@drannacabeca.com.
In This Episode
How you can honor who you are to be the best version of yourself [12:15]
How blocked emotions can lead to long-term and chronic illness [14:30]
Why you should decide who you’ll show up as in this world [28:15]
How to raise your vibration [30:30]
What happens when you work your emotional and spiritual muscles [32:15]
“You can choose to live your life in a state of being that is resonant and coherent which is full of love, full of forgiveness, full of acceptance, full of allowance, full of all the things that a person who is attempting to give love, serve mankind without attachment or expectant to an outcome. Just doing it for the general existence of joy and happiness in your life.” [26:42]
“We’ve got to understand, as people, as an individual, it’s really up to us to decide how we’re going to show up in the world. When you are in a place of self-acceptance, self-awareness, and self-love, you are able to project that outward and truly make a difference.” [28:21]
“The love that you take at an energetic soul level is equal to the love that you make in every lifetime of physical experience.” [36:29]
Resources Mentioned
Buy Aseir Custom: The Holy-Grail of Anti-Aging Creams.
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