Today on the Girlfriend Doctor, we examine how you can master your insecurities with Lisa Bilyeu, co-founder of Quest nutrition. Her book, Radical Confidence is an eye opening guide on how you can incrementally improve yourself by changing your thought patterns into a positive and empowering understanding of your own potential. Confidence is not inherent but is generated from relentless effort towards improvement.
In this episode, Lisa shares exactly how you can build awareness of the limiting beliefs that restrain your mind and subsequently the actions you take towards your best self. If you surrender to the fact that perfection is unattainable and confidence is created from competence, you will become unstoppable. You have limitless potential and a choice to shape and pursue your life mission.
By understanding yourself and defining your purpose, you will be equipped to reject anything that does not align with your heart and attract everything that does. How you perceive the world shapes your place in it. By questioning yourself, you broaden the possibilities available to you and can work towards a fulfilling and joyful life. Confidence is ultimately a skill and every failure gets you closer to the courage you desire.
[4:45] Confidence is a muscle you have to work out and develop each day to maintain it
[6:40] Competence becomes confidence once you have failed and learned from your mistakes
[9:30] Shifting from a limiting emotional belief to an action plan to develop the skill you desire
[15:00] Question your perception of normal because everyone is raised to think a different way
[19:00] The key to a long lasting marriage is honesty with the purpose of overcoming issues
[24:00] How to remain emotionally sober during hard conversations
[27:00] Pausing, in the moment, before you react on emotions that may lead you astray
[29:20] Strive for incremental improvement because perfection is not a realistic goal
[33:10] Personalize your path to confidence and positivity instead of relying on others guidance
[35:40] Understand how your habits and physiology affect your mood to improve yourself daily
[43:30] When you feel lost in your identity it’s not the end, but an opportunity to try new things
[45:20] Create a mission statement for your own life that is concise with your what, who and why
“In those moments when I don’t feel badass what can I do in order to show up to feel it? So it becomes this moment of practice and thinking through it and seeing what tools you can use to the best of your abilities.” [5:45]
“I don’t just let my emotions take away with me and lead me astray. I don’t just let my emotions of how I am feeling in that moment end up being the thing that I regret having been reacted on because I do understand that sometimes emotions can lead you astray.” [27:54]
“On those days when you don’t feel good enough, you better believe you need a mission that is so stitched to your heart, that you still get up and proceed.” [47:40]
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