I had the great pleasure of talking with one of my community members recently, a woman named Kathy Weibel. I love when I get these opportunities, and meeting Kathy did not disappoint! She is a rockstar in my eyes… so vibrant at the young age of 71… and what a wonderful attitude and perspective.
I wanted to share some of that conversation with you today.
Doesn’t Kathy look terrific? And wait until you hear how she FEELS as well…
She remarried at the age of 45…and is still sexually active and in love
Kathy’s first husband passed away from cancer, but a few years later she was fortunate enough to find love again. She remarried at the age of 45 and she and her husband have always prioritized intimacy in their marriage…through their 50s and even now, at 71. Says Kathy about the importance of intimacy and closeness in her marriage,
“We were very much in love and so I got married again at 45. We definitely knew that (intimacy) would be part of our life. We just have a really good marriage and we communicate well. We never really stopped. Of course, we had sex more often when we were first married and younger and in our 50s and things. My husband started using, it’s similar to Viagra, I guess about two years ago. He also uses a little bit of bio identical testosterone that he gets from his doctor. I think it’s well worth it for your emotional health, in your closeness. Even if a couple is at the point where they can’t actually have intercourse, you can still be close and you can still have orgasm. I just think it’s so good for that connection between two people and for all the positive things it adds to your life and your outlook.”
Love this so much. Kathy is my role-model! I always talk about the importance of connection in your relationship, the importance of bonding…so much oxytocin being generated in Kathy’s life!
She was prescribed hormone replacement therapy for vaginal dryness
Kathy went through menopause in her early 50s and had vaginal dryness along with other menopausal symptoms. During menopause remember that a woman’s body makes less of the hormones progesterone and estrogen, and that leads to symptoms like hot flashes and vaginal dryness.
She was originally prescribed Provera, a progestin, which is a hormone used to replace lower levels of progesterone. She said she had great concerns about being on hormones for too long of time though. Said Kathy,
“We’re all living longer. We’re all being sexually active longer, so I didn’t really want to spend the next 30 or 40 years taking hormones….so I took that for a while and then I went off it completely.”
But Kathy started having some urinary tract infections. This is a common occurrence when sexual hormones are declining as the vagina becomes less acidic and more prone to infection and other issues. Her doctor then prescribed Estriol. She used that for a while fairly successfully.
Estriol is one of the estrogens found in our bodies and is often prescribed for post-menopausal urinary tract health as well as for protection against osteoporosis. It also addresses symptoms such as hot flashes and vaginal dryness. But it is an estrogen hormone so is still associated with some concerns relating to breast cancer risk.
She tried other products such as Replens, to address her vaginal dryness, but found them too messy.
She was an early pioneer using DHEA vaginal tablets!
I was tickled to hear she was an early user of my DHEA vaginal tablets. When those were available Kathy used them and liked them very much. She used those and also still takes an oral DHEA, at ten milligrams a day.
There is so much emerging research on the benefits of locally applied DHEA in regards to vaginal dryness, pain during intercourse, improved libido and orgasm, and even improvements to urinary leakage.
Once the vaginal tablets were no longer available she was on the Estriol again.
But more recently she saw some information on my new Julva® feminine anti-aging cream for the vulva, and how it contains DHEA. So she said she knew she had to try it.
A wonderful success story (and sex once a week!)
Kathy immediately started using Julva and here is what she says about it,
“I started taking that (Julva) as soon as you came out with it. I just really, really liked it. I used it every day for the first three months. Now I use it five days a week. I don’t have any vaginal dryness, which is really nice. I don’t have any irritation. I’m still sexually active. I’m having sex at least once a week, even at 71. It’s been great there. I think it makes it easier for women to become aroused, easier to reach orgasm. It’s wonderful. It’s really wonderful to be able to enjoy sex as much as I do at this age. To know that there’s no reason why that can’t continue. With us all living longer, I think that’s pretty great.
Also, I’ve not had any urinary tract infections or any problems of that kind. I’ve noticed that probably the frequency of my urination is a little less. I think it’s probably from less irritation. In the past, I had occasionally with the sneezing or laughing, laughing too hard, I would have a little loss of urine. That seems to be a whole lot better. I’m just delighted with the product. I’m glad it’s something I can buy over the counter and I don’t have to have it monitored all the time. I’m thrilled with it.”
Kathy’s husband likes Julva too!
I wondered what her husband thought of Julva’s affects. Kathy said,
“I’ve just been very fortunate. I’ve met my soulmate and maybe have a good marriage. We hope to always be close and be intimate. It’s (Julva is) not irritating to my husband. It’s not irritating at all.”
Kathy’s advice to other women suffering from dryness and libido issues?
I absolutely loved Kathy’s attitude and advice, which was for women to still focus on closeness, to be loving and affectionate, even if they aren’t in the mood or are worried about vaginal discomfort. She said,
“Sometimes if you’re just close and loving and affectionate, maybe that desire will come back. I think if you can just keep the closeness. The one thing that husbands want to do is they want to please their wife. If you can make them feel like, maybe even if you’re not in the mood for sex, that you still want to be close to them, I think that’s really important. Still touch them and be loving and all of that. Sometimes there’s nothing like a great back rub.”
And Kathy’s final thoughts on trying Julva?
I asked Kathy that if there were women listening or reading this and they’re on the fence about using Julva, what would she tell them?
“I’d say you’ve got nothing to lose.
And not to give up. I would tell anybody, give it a month. Let your body get used to it.
I would encourage anybody to go ahead and take it. I’ve told friends about it, even younger friends who are going through menopause and they don’t really want to take hormones.
Thank you so much Dr. Anna for developing Julva and for all you’re trying to do for women. It’s just great to have all these connections and support out there. It is important for people’s well being. Very, very important. Hopefully it will be here for a long time.”
Thanks to you, too Kathy! Your great attitude is so inspiring. I wish you continued happiness and health…and hope you will keep in touch.