Thank you for sharing your experience with our product, Elizabeth A B. We appreciate your honest feedback about the aroma and the effectiveness in addressing dryness concerns.
We're pleased to know that the product's aroma was pleasant and enjoyable. However, we understand your disappointment that it did not provide the desired relief from dryness symptoms. Every individual's body chemistry and needs are unique, and we recognize that our solutions may not work equally well for everyone.
Your feedback is valuable as it helps us understand where our products may fall short and guides us in exploring ways to enhance their efficacy. We will take your input into consideration as we continue to refine our formulations and strive to better serve our customers' diverse needs.
Thank you for your patience and for taking the time to share your feedback. We wish you the best in finding a product that effectively addresses your dryness concerns. If you have any further comments or suggestions, please don't hesitate to reach out to our team.
Dr. Anna's Happiness Team